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Sass's POV
Ariel just smiled. "Your not surprised?" I asked. And she shook her head with a light laugh.

"I knew the second you bended that rock into dust!" She exclaimed. I smiled at her. "And I know you healed my shoulder. With water bending" Ariel says too.

I smiled wider but then frowned hugging my knees. "Why are you so Scared of president Ozai?" She asked. I breathe in and out.

"He's my dad, and trust me he isn't as nice as when he's on Tv or infront other people" I explained.

"If he's your dad then-" I cut her off. "Yes, he's Derek's, Malia's, zuko's and I's dad. Uncle irohs and Peter's brother." I explained.

Her face went from shocked to concerned. "Is way you guys are so sensitive about family?" She asked.

"Not as sensitive about as Zuko. Ozai wasn't the most caring towards his children. He use to take his anger out on me and Zuko." I explained. Azula was also picked on by him but I didn't mention her.

"He's the reason behind the scar isn't he? The burn mark on Zuko's eye?" Ariel asked. I nodded.

I then lifted my pants a little to reveal a White bandage patch. "You always asked my what this was" I say pointing to it.

I then remove it to show a massive burnt spot. It looked just like what happened to Zuko.

"He was unfortunate and got it to the eye. He spoke at a meeting with the other presidents. Called one of them a idiot for declaring war Against another dome. Dad wanted to teach him a lesson... Infront of everyone"

"What do you mean everyone?" Ariel asked. I closed my eyes remember the orange flames.

"Dad declared an agni Kai. A fight between to fire benders. Zuko didn't want to hurt dad but dad wanted to hurt him. And that's when it happened. I jumped in and tried to help but..." I trailed off.

I was in the stands clinging onto Azula's hand. I was 7 and Azula 16. Zuko only being 10. Derek and Malia were nowhere to be seen, along with uncle Peter.

Zuko stood on the platforms, watching as the crowd cheered. It was sickening. "Azula what's going to happen?" I asked. She looked down at me.

Her wicked smile disappearing as she frowns and kneels infront of me. She cupped my cheeks. "Nothing much my little Spark." She says.

"I'm scared" I mumbled and crashed into her shirt. She picked my up and held me under her arm. I was a very small child.

Uncle Iroh was behind her and he shares a smile with. But I knew the smile was fake. He was as worried as me.

Azula put me down but I still clinged to her dress. I felt her hand on my back. "Dad please I don't want to hurt you!" Zuko yelled holding up his hands in surrender.

I dug my face into Azula's dress. "Fight me you coward! Be a man!" Dad yelled. I felt wet tears roll down my cheeks.

"But da-" Zuko was cut off by a fire sound. I looked back even though I didn't want too. I watched Zuko back up till he was at the each of the platform.

"Your a coward. No son of mine. Never been a son of mine." Dad snarled. He then sent a huge wave of orange red fire.

"No!" I squeaked out. I dug my face into Azula's shirt more. I heard zuko's screams and the sizzling of fire on skin.

I looked back to see Zuko clutching the side of his face. I jumped over the stands despite Uncle and Azula's protest.

She enjoyed it. She never liked our other siblings. She was very mean to them. She was the oldest. She seemed to like me more than others.

I rushed to Zuko and kneeled beside him. My crying was like a wave. "Awe, does zuko need help by his younger sister" dad taunted. I heard the people in the stands laugh. They were as disgusting as him.

"Your a monster!" I screeched at him. I was only 7, so my voice was very threatening. "Shut it worm! Your just of a disgrace as he is!"

I was mad. A girl with Bright blood red hair and was 7, shouldn't be treated like this. No one should be.

And I was stupid enough to fight back. It was like I was having a mini tantrum but let's say a bit less screaming and whailing and a bit more fire.

I slammed my fist on the ground and screamed letting out a powerful wave of blue fire his way. He knocked him of the platform. The ground gasped loudly.

The last thing I felt was the warm eyes of uncle Iroh staring into my eyes....

"What happened next?" Ariel asked. I looked down. "I'm not ready to say that yet" I mumbled. "So this Azula girl. She's on Tv right? Why isn't she with you guys?" Ariel asked.

"She didn't want too..."

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