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Ariel's POV
I sigh. "Perrie we'll get billy and tommy as soon as we get out and stop Wanda" I said. Perrie nodded slowly and we start rushing to the end of the hex.

I go through and see all guards there with Hayward, Thomas and newt. "Ariel!" Newt yelled and hugged me tightly. Thomas run up to me and hugged me too.

We hear fizzing and fuzzy so we turn to see perrie struggling to get out. The hex looked like it was stuck to her face. Then her face started pealing off with all her clothes too, and her body.

"Perrie?!" We yell out panicked. When we go to help her the hex fights back and pushes us away.

Third Person
Perrie grunts in pain as she tries to get out of the hex, but it kept pulling her back in. It was like hex didn't want to let her go.

"Help her!!" Darcey cried. Ariel felt tears run down her cheeks. Newt hugged her while kept trying to get to perrie.

He was thrown back yet again and so out of anger he lifted up a S.W.O.R.D storage car and threw it at the hex.

The hex rejected the car and it tumbled to the side of the wall, men running to get clear of the car.

Perrie looked at him while her tears were being rushed back into the hex. She kneeled on her knees and screamed out for help.

"Hello her please!!!" Darcey yelled out and was going to help perrie but was held back by newt who had now grip onto both, Ariel and Thomas

"We can't get near her. Wanda seems to have a protective barrier", he explained. "Then why is she desenticrating!!" Ariel yelled.

"Mom!" Tommy yelled finally snapping out of the vision he had. "what's wrong with mom?" Billy asked.

"S-s-shes hurting! She's in pain!" Tommy yelled. Billy grabbed him and sped to Wanda. "Boys, what's wrong?" Wanda asked seeing the panicked look on tommys face.

"It's mom. She's in pain!" Tommy cried. Wanda immediately became serious and bent down to the boys level.

"Where is she?" Billy looked at tommy with everyone else. "she's surrounding by men in armor. A blonde boy holding onto a crying girl a-and A boy just threw a car!" Billy explained as he shut his eyes.

He gasped opening them and started crying as he hugged Wanda. Wanda hugged him back and stood.

"Relax Chica," Pietro said putting a hand on Wanda's shoulder. "It's not like your dead wife can die twice" wand a snapped towards him and shot him into hay barrels behind him.

Wanda then stopped everyone moving except for Billy and tommy, who looked around in shock and horror.

Outside the Hex, perrie was faltering. Laying on the ground as she desenticrates. But she wasn't fleshy, but more like a robot.

Suddenly the hex start in larging. The barrier turned red, same as Wanda's. "SHE'S EXPANDING THE HEX!!! MOVE MOVE MOVE!" Hayward yelled.

"No! Perrie please!!!" Ariel yelled out, as guards grabbed hers and newts arms. Her tears were soaked onto newts shirt. Darcey and Thomas were chained to a car.

Thomas broke out of his chains and rushed to perrie one for time, but this time he didn't fly back. "Hey!!! Can't you help a gal?!" Darcey yelled as she pulled on the chains.

He bent down to her and tears fell on her face... Well what's left.

"I love you Per, I'll never leave you again. I promise" he then did something he hasn't done in a long time.

He kissed her...

Just as he pulls away the hex finally in closed on the two. Newt and Ila fight back from the guards. Newt goes transparent and the guards grip goes through he's body.

"Hands off my woman" newt goes back to normal and punches the guys before being engulfed by the hex.

Ariel rushes to Darcey fast and tries to get her out of the chains. Her tears falling as she saw newt get sucked in by the hex.

"Oh shit!" Darcey yells. Ariel got destracted and turned around. "HOLY F-" Ariel was cur off by the hex taking over her, Darcey and the car.

Wanda stops and looks at billy and tommy. "Boys lets go home" she said with a smile. "But what about momma?" Billy asked.

"Don't worry billy, momma's ok. She's just out for the night ok?" The boys nod.

Time skip
Perrie opens her eyes to be meet with trees and grass. She sat up to see a whole circus act set up.

"What in the holy spirit?" She sat up. She turned to see Darcey in chains and Ariel helping her while closing the lock on them.

"Ariel!" Perrie rushed to her. The two girls look at her.

"How'd you know my name? Who are you?"

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