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Lilly's POV
"Thanks Issac" I say hugging the blonde boy. He hugged back patting my back. I could feel two glares.

We were all dressed up. Newt nearly fainted when he saw Ariel in her dress. "No problem Lilly. Your royalty to me. Ever since I was born I've been vowed to Protect and serve you" Isaac said with jazz hands. I punched him in the arm.

"Ow! Just get in the bloody carriage woman" he whined. I laughed and got inside with the help of stiles and Thomas.

Aurora was next to come inside and she nearly slipped but Isaac caught her and gave her hand to newt.

"Don't want to drop a lady now do we?" He teased and walked to the front. "He's very...." Ariel trailed off sitting next to me.

"Mean and nice? Yeah that show he rolls" I explained. The boys got in. "Why is he wearing a scarf? That thing looks older than him!" Stiles said.

"Cause it is" I told him. He went bright red and looked out the window.

"I still don't know about that dress Ariel. It's a bit too reveal. Why didn't you pick a more covered up dress?" Newt asked. I knew he was being protective over her.

"We don't want any creepsters staring at you" Thomas chimed in. Ariel waved them off.

"I'll be fine. If they try anything I'll punch them"

Third Person
Isaac opened the carriage door and held out his hand as Lilly got out. She smiled at him and made it on the ground.

Second was Ariel. Isaac couldn't help but notice the revealing part of her dress. Lilly came up behind him and closed his jaw with her finger.

"Eyes up here Lahey" she whispered. Ariel giggled as the boy went bright red. Ariel and Lilly held onto each other's hands as they started climbing the steps.

The boys follow behind them. "Ever stare at my girlfriend again I'll make sure your trampled by those horse's" newt threatened. Isaac immediately nodded and newt catches up with the group.

They made it into the court yard and Memories flooded back to Lilly. She kept her head low.

They all stopped in the large crowd. Up on a platform infront of the large doors, there was a chair with two maidens standing next to it.

"I thought it was a president thing. Don't they elect or something?" Newt asked. "Things our different here. Presidents are royalty. Basically kings and Queens, princesses and Princes. They just use president so it doesn't sound like the medieval times" stiles explained.

He held his girlfriends waist while thomas held her hand. Newt held onto Ariel's waist too.

"May I present our Princess Azula!" A man with a trumpet said. Newt gave stiles a look.

"You were saying?" He teased. Stiles flipped him off but Lilly slapped the side of his thigh and he put the finger down.

On the platform, Azula walked out in a Red and Gold dress. Her smirk grew as she saw her Sisters Famous red hair.

Her hair was down and her makeup was done to perfection. Most men were qwaucking at her. Most men.

She kneeled infront of the chair. "You promise to protect this dome and many others from Potential threats of the world" a man said holding a large book in his hands.

"I promise"

"You promise, to choose others before yourself"

"I promise"

"I shall now declare you Queen Azula!" A man placed a Pendent on her head. A fire nation symbol.

Lilly squeezed Newt's hand. The fire nation was the correct name for the fire benders.

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