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Third Person
The crowd was silent as pepper lay the memorial peice in the lake. Two arc reactors flowed down stream.

The two also had writing engraved on them.

'Proof that Tony Stark had a heart'

'Proof that Perrie Stark was a Stark'

Ariel cried as she newt and Thomas watched from the back. Newt comforted her and Thomas just looked at the ground.

"She can't be gone..." Ariel said. "I'm so sorry love" newt said and kissed her palm.

Everyone started clearing the space and newt, Ariel and Thomas started walking towards their car.

"Wait! Wait!" The three turn to see Morgan and Pepper walking to them.

"Yes Mrs Potts?" Thomas said respectively. She smiled. "Please call me pepper. I am so sorry about Perrie, and tony. I knew you guys were very close with her" The three young adults look down from her words.

"Stay.... Being here will help. Dr strange will open up a portal Later for you guys to go through but I think he's going through a sensitive spot too" pepper explained.

"Thank you pepper. But I think we need to go find our own place to stay." Ariel said politely.

Pepper smiled and nodded picking up Morgan and leaving the three young adults..

Many weeks later the three young adults got a call. Ariel put the phone on speaker. The contact name was not known to anyone of the three.

Director Hayward.

"Hello?" Newt said into the phone. "Hello newt, Ariel and Thomas. You can call me  Hayward. I have a job for you. Wanda Maximoff has created something we can't explain. We need your help" A man's voice came from the phone.

The three look at each other then back at the phone. "We'll be there soon!" Ariel said into the phone.

Inside a Van. Darcy Lewis sat looking at the three young adults infront of her. "Hi Darcy Lewis, nice to meet you" she said holding out her hand.

Newt shook it but the other two just kept to themselves. Once they got out of the Van, they were escorted to a tent.

Jimmy Woo joined them. They reached a meet with Director Hayward and Monica.

They all got to work and Ariel and Darcy discovered something. "Can you get us some coffee" Darcy said.

"And a 1950's tv?" Ariel asked. The gaurds eyebrows furrow but they got a 1950's Tv except no coffee.

Hayward, Monica and Jimmy noticed the two working so they join them by the TV. Thomas and newt come in with two cups of coffee and gave them to the girls.

"What's happening?" Hayward asked.

"I was playing around with the tv and antenna when I saw Wanda. But it was all black and white. She looked like she was stuck in a 1950's sitcom" Ariel explained.

She started playing with the antenna again and suddenly the Tv turned on reviling Wanda cooking.

Then something unimaginable happened.

Perrie appeared.

(So this is basically just like Wandavision except instead of vision it's Perrie. Just remember The people that I've mentioned who are watching Ariel and Darcy can also see this)

Perrie's POV

I enter the kitchen and a plate comes flying at me

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I enter the kitchen and a plate comes flying at me. I duck down and it smashes against the wall.

"My Wife and flying soucers" I say. "My wife and her impeccable timing" Wanda says back.

"Aren't we a fine pair?" I ask as I kiss her head walking past. She chuckles at me and turns to me.

"What do you say to silver dollar pancakes, crispy hash browns, bacon, eggs, freshly squeezed orange juice, and black coffee?" Wanda asked.

"I say, yes please, I am starving!" I said. Wanda goes over to the fridge and opens it.

"Too bad. There's no food in the fridge!" Wanda said.

"Then I will go and get some after work!" I say. Wanda smiles. I look around but something catches my eye.



"Is there something special about today?" I asked. Wanda turns to me confused.

"Well, I know the apron is a bit much, dear, but I am doing my best to blend in." Wanda said back.

"No, no, there on the calendar. Someone's drawn a little heart right above today's date." I said pointing to the calendar.

A heart was exactly where I said it was. "Oh yes the heart!"


"Well don't tell me you've forgotten Per" Wanda said.

"Forgotten"? Oh, Wanda, I'm incapable of forgetfulness. I remember everything. That's not an exaggeration. In fact, I'm incapable of exaggeration." I said back to her. She smiled at me.

"Well then tell me what's so important about today's date then" Wanda replied back smugly.

I stayed silent and look at her then at the calendar then at her again and purse my lips.

"What was the question again? Oh, well, perhaps, you've forgotten yourself." I say trying to Drive the question away.

"Me? Heavens, no. I've been so looking forward to it."

" As have I. Today, we are celebrating..." I look back at Wanda and she gives me a look.

"You bet we are. It's the first time we..." Wanda continued

" Mmm-hmm."

" ...have ever celebrated this occasion before." Wanda fixed herself up as I look at her even more confused.

"It's a special day!" I yell trying to pass time

" Perhaps an evening..." Wanda trailed off.

"Of great significance..." I finished.

"To us both!"




I smile as Wanda moves more closer to me and we share a kiss.

"Well I best be going! Don't want to miss the first day!" I say grabbing my brief case.

"Oh, don't forget!" Wanda said after me. I remembered and do a quick pose and my mind stone disappears from my head and my hair gets tied in a bun as my clothes changed.

I was now in a white top with a black tie and a navy blue skirt (but Everyone who's watching outside the Hex see's black and white)

"Have a great day dear!" I call as i opens the back door.

"You too sweetie!* Wanda calls back as I walked out.

Third Person
Ariel was speechless. It's been weeks heck years since she's seen Perrie. Not counting her dreams.

Thomas was saddened upon seeing this. Perrie so happy with someone else. That someone else being Wanda.

Newt couldn't believe it. She was still alive! Still talking, walking!

"Perrie's still alive!"

~done! Enjoy!~

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