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Ariel's POV
We were able to Manipulate the school into letting us onto the field trip. The were going to pick us up in Italy and Continue the original field trip.

We were on the plane to Italy and newt and I were beside each other. Thomas was beside this old guy who was snoring the fuck out of his lungs.

"Newt, do you think we'll cross paths with Robot perrie?" I asked him. Newt looked at me and held my hand rubbing his thumb to relax me.

"It's a 50/50 chance Ariel. Many things could happen. Just remember what Fury said. Stay low and don't create attention" Newt said.

"Well clearly he's not following that order", I say pointing to the snoring guy and newt giggles.

"I love it when you giggle" I admit. His face immediately stopped. "I don't giggle. I'm a man I laugh!" Newt argued cutely. I giggle myself.

"Mhm. Just so you know your the boy of my dreams" I say laying my head on his shoulder. I felt his playful glare.

"I'm a man!"

Time skip
"Shut up and drive" I say to Thomas. He grumbles and gets into the main street. "Why are we helping One eye again?" Thomas asks.

"Because, it's about peter. Peter's our friend" newt explained. Thomas grumbled. "last time I checked he tried to steal my girlfriend and your wife" Thomas said.

I looked at him. "Perrie isn't your girlfrie-" Thomas cut me off. "I know, just shut up and let me drive"

This was common now. Without Perrie to either put Thomas in his place or calm him down, he's always gone a bit..... Cranky.

I texted fury that we were on our way. Thomas took a sharp turn and we got to a dock with a boat waiting for us.

We got out of the car with our single bags and got into the boat. Thomas was driving of course. I sat at the back with newt.

He held my hand. "Are you ok?" I asked. He nodded and looked down at me. He gently caressed the side of my jaw. He brought my face in for a gentle kiss

He pulled away but I pulled him back wanting more. It was passionate and slow. And quite romantic since we were on a boat.

"Ew that's disgusting! Do you two have any respect for singletons!" Fury's voice cried. We spilt apart to see him standing there on the dock and Thomas with his arms folded.

"I'm not single." Thomas spat. "Bet you ain't boy" Fury spat back. Me and Newt make worried glances at each other as fury and Thomas glared at each other.

"Can we get parker?" Newt asked annoyed. The two men look back at us and nod. Thomas got out and newt.

Newt held out his hand so I took it and he lifted me up. Fury got in the boat. "I'll be waiting for you three here. Parkers bedroom is up there" fury said pointing at the Room on what the second floor.

"I don't trust him in our boat" Thomas grumbled as we sneaked over the the building. "Technically it's not our boat it's his" newt said back, I could tell he was sick of Thomas's grumbles.

"Technically he could steal it back!" Thomas said. "What do you have against him anyways?" I asked. Thomas looked at me then at the window that belongs to peters room.

A few minutes passed and we made it to Peter's room before anyone spotted us. Thomas sat on the chair infront of the door while newt sat on the couch.

I stood keeping an eye on our boat that can be seen by looking out the window. "Bed I'm telling yo-" peter was cut off by seeing us.

Ned dropped his toothbrush. "Thomas! Newt! Ari-" Ned was cut off my Thomas shooting his casually with a gun. Peter gasped and slammed the door shut.

"You just shot my best friend!" Peter yelled high pitched. Thomas snorted and reloaded the gun.

"Its a tranquilizer parker" Thomas said and aimed at peter. I took the gun off him. "Fury said take out unnecessary others not parker" I say and throw the gun at newt.

"W-why are you guys here?" Peter stuttered. "Cause apparently you have been ghosting old eye patch down there" Thomas said pointing to the window outside.

Peter advanced to the window and saw nick. "Where's Perrie? Surely she's with you guys" peter asked.

"I haven't seen her in ages! 6 years to be precise! I didn't see her at the battle with Purple grape dude!" Peter explained. I looked down.

"Parker, Perrie stark was killed by Thanos. She's been dead for 5 years. Wand-" Newtwas about to go into details, but I saw Peter's pained look so I stopped him.

"Newt that's enough" I say. He quiets down. "Perrie's dead? And no one told me? Pepper just said she was on a major mission that caused her to go undercover, and that she was also snapped away!" Peter explained. Tears were pooling in his eyes.

The tears seemed to be contagious because I started to feel tears sting in my eyes. I looked out the window.

"Let's go. Fury's tapping his foot impatiently" i suggest. I felt newt wrap his arm around my torso as we told parker to grab some things.

Time skip
We made it to the underground hide out. Peter was asking fury questions like a lost puppy. We made it down and meet Mysterio or Quinton beck.

"It's lovely to meet, the Ariel, newt and Thomas" the man said shaking my hand.  "It's a pleasure to meet you too" newt says, shaking his hand too. He Advanced his hand to Thomas but Thomas stared at it before turning his head away from us.

"Sorry about him, his ex girlfriend just died" I say. Thomas glared at me. "Don't joke about it" he ordered. I glared back at him.

"Dead ex girlfriend?" Quinton asks. We nodded. He smiled. "Are you sure she's dead?" He asks. Then a Shadow advanced behind him as he moved out the way.

We were all Gobsmacked, Including Fury and peter.


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