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Lilly's POV
I let go of Thomas and looked him up and down. I stepped away and he blushed. "Come on tommy, no need to hide I've seen it before" I teased quietly. He blushed.

Luckily no one else heard and I winked at him. Stiles chuckled a bit. "now that was eventful" a Voice said.

We turn to see Azula standing there with guards at her sides. "Go away Azula" Derek spat. She raised an eyebrow.

"Last time I checked this is my Castle. I do the commands." Azula said. Her gaze was hardened. She didn't look happy.

"We'll be going now" Uncle Iroh said Bowing at her politely and we started to advance to that door but Azula's guards stop us.

"Your not leaving. Now that my family is here safe and Sound, I want them to stay that way. I have rooms already set up" Azula explained.

Derek glared at her and held my arms as he stood behind me. Stiles held my hand while Thomas struggled to stand up while covering himself with the large feather.

"We're Leaving Azula. You can't keep us here" Malia said. Azula turned to her and looked her up and down.

"Haven't seen you in awhile. How's your bending?" Malia snapped and was gonna lunge at her but Allison and Liam grabbed her arms.

Azula knew fully well that Malia was the only on in the family who couldn't bend. She was a non bender. A disgrace to Azula and Dad.

"You know full well she can't bend" Derek Sneered pointing his finger at her. Azula slapped the finger away with hers.

"I must've forgotten. It has been 13 years" Azula pouted. Suddenly I felt myself loose Sass.

"I am so sorry Zula I wa-" Derek slapped a hand to my mouth. "She didn't mean to say that. Your roping her into your pity party. Stop it" Ariel spat.

Azula snapped her head at Ariel. The black haired woman walked to Ariel. They were about the same height, Azula being taller.

"And what's your place to say that?" She asked. Newt held Ariel hand as he glared at Azula.

Azula saw this and raised an eyebrow. "Aw, got good old limpy to help. I don't think he could do much hunny" Azula taunted and bopped newts nose.

Ariel was gonna attack Azula but Scott and Liam held her back. Newt was to shocked to move.

"Zula stop, please. Stop picking fights" I say removing Derek's hand. I grabbed Azula's hand and she looks at me.

"Zula please. You know what happened last time you picked a fight" She tensed up. She looked at me then turned away to everyone else.

"It's either the Dungeons or A nice lovely room. Your choice, either way you won't be exiting Faction 1 or even the palace" Azula ordered and walked away.

"What a bitch" Ariel mumbled. "Trust me, I live air her for 14 years." Derek Growled. I play with my fingers an hands.

"You ok Sass?" Lydia asked. Everyone was talking about Azula and how she's a birch and manipulative. Only Lydia noticed my silence.

"Maybe I can talk to Azula? Get her to let us out? She's not that bad" I gulped at my own words. Lydia looked at the door that Azula went through then back at me.

"If you believe in what you do, you can hopefully do it. But Lilly we don't want you hurt. You remember last time someone who wasn't in the gang hurt you?" Lydia asked.

I stared blankly at the ground, remembering the horrible Mess I got into 3 years ago. Lydia looked really concerned.

"Just give me enough time." She nodded and I slipped away.

"Be careful Lilly"

Third Person
Ariel looked around for Lilly. She was missing from the ball room, and Lydia has been awfully Quiet.

They were talking about escaping back out the windows. But they couldn't reach them.
They could use bending but it would be too noisy.

And plus, they never know when Azula will come back in. "Where's Lilly?" Liam asked. They looked around more to find she wasn't there.

Lydia stood in place and Zuko and Derek saw this. Ariel too, so the three marches up to the Strawberry blonde girl.

"Where is she?" Derek snapped. Lydia looked at him. "Pardon?" She asked. Derek's hands burst out in flames catching everyone's attention.

"WHERE IS MY SISTER GOD DAMNIT LYDIA!!!" Everyone stepped back from Derek's explosive anger.

The Hale's father behind him and comforted him. What everyone doesn't know his that he promised someone to look after His family, especially The youngest.

He knew her secret. He knew everything about her. And he would kill anyone for her.

"I-i-i told her to f-follow her beliefs about a-a-azula." Lydia stuttered. Derek immediately for more angry and his body got hotter that no one could touch him.

"You what?" He growled. "Derek calm down. She only tried to make Lilly happy, isn't that what you want?" Ariel said.

Everyone gulped nervously at the girl. No one talked to Derek like that when he was basically ready to blow up from rage.

Derek's eye twitched. "The only thing I want for Lilly is for her to be safe from being like Azula. She's a Manipulative Bitch. A person who can't be trusted. She's a monster. She's the reason why this family is pulled apart" He snapped.

Ariel had to step back into newts arms because the man was go angry and The fire was basically burning at her body.

Newt glared at Derek. The man was basically threatening his wife. "Hey lay off Sour Puff. We're all concerned where Lilly went but no need to take it out on anyone" stiles said.

Derek looked at him and Stiles immediately tensed. "Watch your mouth boy. Or else Lilly won't have a boyfriend" He snapped. Stiles immediately shut up and moved to stand near Scott.

Derek threatening put his face near stiles scaring him. *The gif up above*

Meanwhile, Lilly roamed the halls. They looked exactly like they used to be. "Nice to see your following me like old times" Azula's slick voice said from the shadows.

Lilly turned around and saw her sister leaning across the hall way frames. "I was 7 and you had something of mine" I say smiling a little.

"And I still do" I looked at Azula confused. She pulls out a familiar brown bear. My breath hitches. I feel eyes pool in my eyes.

She held it out for me to take. I bit my lip and hesitantly made my way over to her. She gave me the bear.

I trance my fingers over the fur and beads on the eyes. The bear was missing an ear, scorch marks replacing it's place on it head.

"Can we end this like old times?" Azula asked. I hold the bear close to me and hug her. She steps back a little but hugs back anyways.

"Do you want to stay with me? Your sister. The person who loves you more than anything? Will you stay with me Lil? Or will you leave me? I will be terribly Depressed" Azula says into Lilly's hair.

She smirked as she felt the tears trip onto her dress.

"I choose to stay with you Zula..."

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