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~Im going to make up my own Wandavision. So things will be shorter and different~
Thomas's POV
The next episode finally came out and newts words still haunted me. How will I not like this episode?! Wanda and Perrie already did the deed in the last one!

I sat down handing Ariel a cup of hot chocolate as she snuggled into newt. They were still a bit traumatized by Wanda's mind control.

I turn to the TV and start watching it. I sigh as I was not ready for what was about to happen.

Third Person
Perrie sat on the couch with Wanda. She gets up and Wanda gasps. "What's wrong Wanda?" Perrie asked. Wanda pointed to her stomach.

Perrie gasps when she sees a bump!

"W-wanda!" Perrie stutters out. Thomas felt anger flare in his stomach. Wanda can't get Perrie pregnant!!! That's his job! And plus woman can't get other woman pregnant!

"PREGNAN!?" The three young adults screamed from their room. The whole camp heard them.

"Impossible" newt trailed off. He looked at ariel then at Thomas's furious yet red face.

Suddenly the Tv started to flush in color! Another surprise. Perrie and Wanda kept talking.

"I wanted to get her pregnant!" Thomas blurted out. Ariel blinks then turns to the young man and scrunched her face up in disgust.

"Well you can't exactly do that since you not with her" newt trailed off. Ariel glared at him shutting him up but it was too late Thomas was not having anyone's bullshit.

"WANDA CAN'T EXACTLY GET HER PREGNANT EITHER!". He yelled. Ariel got up and hugged Thomas trying to calm him down.

His sudden anger flushed down into sadness. The girl he was in love with was gone. Out of his reach. All he wanted was them to be together again.

Perrie's POV
EP 3 S1
I was in the nursery setting up all the decorations. I suddenly feel some pain in my stomach and I see my baby bump get bigger.

"Wanda darling!" I yelled out.

"Yes perrie dear?!"

"My bumps getting bigger!" I panicked. Wanda walked in and she gave me a disapoving look. "You should be resting" she said with hands on her hips.

"I was just setting up! But this belly keeps getting bigger!" I explained. She bent down to my stomach and grabbed it.

"Little billy, stop hurting momma" Wanda whispered. My eyebrows furrow.

"It's actually little tommy" I corrected. I don't know why but 'tommy' felt so familiar.

"But I was thinking billy" Wanda said. I shrugged and used my purple mist to build a white crib.

"Here let me dear!" Wanda said nicely. She used her magic to make a butterfly thing above the crib but suddenly the Plastic butterflies turn into real ones.

"Oh Wanda!" I gasped as a butterfly landed on my nose. She giggled and placed her thumb underneath my nose and the butterfly crawled onto it.

It flew away and I giggle. I hold my baby bump and walk out of the nursery. Suddenly I feel a kick.

"Ow! Wanda! Tommy's kicking!" I yell out. "Billy's kicking?!" She gaps as she ran out and grabbed my tummy.

I gasped as she put her ear to my stomach and smiled. "Why is it growing so fast?!" I asked Wanda.

"I don't know!" I say aloud. I feel it grow more bad the door bell rings. Wanda lays me down and I gaps as i feel something dribble downy leg.

"Geraldine!! How nice!" Wanda says and turns to look at me but I was to focused on my breathing.

"What's wrong with pe-" I cut of Geraldine with a scream. Wanda races to me with geraldine.

"W-wanda the baby's coming!" I say as pain increases. "Holy! Geraldine can you help?" Wanda asks Geraldine.

The afro woman looked between my pained state and nodded.

Third Person
"She's in labour?!! How is this possible!!!" Newt says gripping the tv shaking it lightly. Ariel had to pry him off.

"It doesn't make sense!" Thomas exclaimed. "None of the hex does!" Ariel answered.

Suddenly a scream erupted from the Tv. They snap their heads back to the tv to see perrie being layed down behind the couch.

Geraldine was doing something while Wanda was bending infront of her holding her hand.

Jealousy rage in Thomas but he stomped in deep in his stomach. But he can't help but feel the flutter in his heart when he heard that Perrie was hopefully gonna name the baby Tommy.

It showed that she stilled cared about him even though she doesn't even know who he is anymore.

Suddenly cries erupted but they weren't perrie's. Perrie's head is revealed on screen, sweaty and breathing heavily.

Then she lets out a painful scream. "What a minute!! Another baby!!" Geraldine yelled. She handed Wanda the baby from before and started helping this one out.

Another set of cries and whales came from the baby. The two babies sat in perrie's and Wanda's arms as they look at each other lovingly.

Thomas gets out of his seat and slams his cup of hot chocolate to the ground. This made Ariel flinch and jump up, hugging him.

Thomas wrapped his arms around the girl and sobbed into her shoulder. Sure he was happy that Perrie was happy but he wanted those kids to be his so badly.

"Welcome to the world, billy and tommy"

Newt hugged the breaking Thomas. Tears molded together as the three started crying together. Crying for Perrie, the babies and just because they're best friend and lover doesn't even remember who they are.

"It's ok tommy, she'll remember one day. You'll see her one day" newt said. Ariel kissed his cheek and hugged him as they both watched Thomas sulk on the coach.

What they didn't know is that all this was about to change....

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