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Third Person
Ariel looked back at Lilly as she uncomfortably danced with Janson. "Thomas I need you to get Lilly Away from Janson. Newt me and you corner Ava Paige. Azula..." The Queen turned to the blue brunette.

"Yes?" Ariel glared at her.

"Stay out of our way" Ariel growled before turning away with newt walking off. Thomas looked at the Black haired Queen and gave her the 'im watching you' gesture before moving the middle of the ballroom.

Azula felt rage swell in her stomach. How dare those peasants talk to her like that? But she also felt cunning in a way.

This also meant they saw her as a threat. A snake. A evil wicked Conviving snake.

And that's exactly what she was.

Lilly's POV
Janson had a very tight grip on my waist. "Why so tense?" He asked. "your holding my waist as if it her A million dollars" I shot back.

A smirk raised on his lips. "Well you are quite the price for A million dollars my dear" I cringed at the nickname.

"No one calls me dear." I growled. I felt a sudden switch in my mood. I immediately stopped dancing to which Janson stopped too.

His grip breaking away at my Torso. "If you don't let go in Five seconds, I'll make sure your hands are shoved far up your arse" I threatened.

His eyes traveled my body as is I was some type of fragile doll. "Stop looking at me like that" I growled. He looked straight back at me.

"Why threaten me? I'm only trying to help" Janson said. "Yeah, help yourself from being murder by a homicidal Freakshow" I sneered and kicked him right in the Nuts.

I turned around to collide straight into a chest. A man in fully black armor was standing above me.

"Lilly!" Ariel yelled coming towards me. I tried to run in the heals but it wasn't working.

Darn Heels!

The man grabbed me and the crowd screamed and gasped. I squirmed so much that guy was Growling at me to stop.

He had his arms wrapped around my waist lifting my in the air. "This is no way to treat a woman!" I yelled.

I put my hands on his arms and used fire bended to burn his arms. He let go off me and I fell on the ground.

"Get back here you worm!" He yelled. The crowd was clearly out already but large stomps from the door stopped them.

Large amounts of guards were marching in with Ava Paige. She was pointing at all sorts of people. Including my friends.

Suddenly the Glass shatters. Out of nowhere my Gang jump through the windows and land on the ground.

Ariel came rushing up to me. She cupped my face. "What do we do?" I asked. She was panicking, I know she was.

"We get rid of them. We can't let them take these people. They're try to complete the maze trials." Newt explained coming up to us.

I saw stiles and Thomas with the gang explaining everything. "Lil, I think we need to use our powers" Ariel mumbled at me.

"Alright, then I'll use the elemen-" newt cur me off. "Your not going avatar Lilly. There's too many people. And Azula's here. You can't risk yourself" he said. Ariel nodded in agreement.

"Fine, but I'm fire bending them to hell" I said. Ariel smiled.

"Come on Lilly. We want Sass. We need Sass" she said grabbing my hands. I tilted my head at her.

Endgame Gladers (Marvel x Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now