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Ariel's POV
Derek lead us to a shack and Sass was ing here with a boy. He was turned around so I couldn't see his face.

"You brought everyone?" Sass asked. Derek kept his sour face. "I'm not in the mood for arguing sass, and they took advantage of that" Sass nearly laughed.

"So, newbie needs a dress?" The boy Stiles turned around and my eyes widen. He looked exactly like Thomas, the only thing was their hair, and Stiles was skinnier and Bonnier.

"Thomas?" I couldn't help but let out. Everyone looked at me and stiles shook his head. "I'm stiles, stiles Stilinski" He said. I smiled.

"I know. Lydia told me. You just look so familiar" I say. The boy just gives me a confused look before throwing clothes at all of us.

"Girls right, boy left" stile said. "Yeah cause girls are always right" Sass said. Al the boys started arguing but Stiles kept pushing them to another room.

Us girls went into the other room. "you hair is nice" sass complemented me. She had completely stripped in front of me.

I could see she had a tattoo on her back. She smiled. "My eyes are you here." She says laughing a little.

"Sorry, but that tattoo is so cool" it was flowers and a snake crawling in them. She put on her dress but you could still see the tattoo.

"If your lucky, I can get Mr Tibbles to get you one?" She suggests

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"If your lucky, I can get Mr Tibbles to get you one?" She suggests. I smile and shake my head.

"Newt will kill me if I did" she gives me a confused look and shock was written on my face.

"Who's newt?" She asked. "My old husband. He's kinds the reason I left and came here" I explained. Lydia, Kira and Allison had walked out just leaving us two.

Sass zipper dup my dress, as I held my hair. She sensed that I was uncomfortable so she changed the subject.

"Your hair looks nice" she complemented. I smiled. "Thanks, Lydia did it"

"Of course she did, I told her too!" Sass said pulling off her wig and taking out her eye contacts.

Her bright blue eyes were so piercing as her red hair flowed down her shoulders. "I guess she did yours?" I asked. Sass shook her head.

"This is natural! My wigs how ever are designed by her" Sass said and we walked out. I heard Theo whistle which earned him a slap on the chest by Liam.

"Don't get jealous Liam, you know I'm gay" Theo said. A few laughs were heard and Liam went bright red and tried to hide behind Theo.

"Come on everyone. Before curfew starts" stiles said and gestures for us to walk through a tunnel. As we walk through I noticed that the boys were in tuxedo's and girls were in dresses.

"I hate wearing dresses" Sass complains as we walked. She nearly dripped on her heels But I caught her.

"Sorry babe, Mum doesn't have any suits. And she would think I'm the most weirdest person on the planet if she saw me buy a woman's suit. And plus, no one wears them" stiles said taking Sass off my and wraps a arm around her.

I walk next to Them, kinds like a third wheel. But I didn't mind. At least these guys didn't have Relationship problems, they were all so happy.

We made it to a well lit shop that had a dragon on the front as a sign. It was green and yellows and it was very tidy.

Faction 2 was so much cleaner and nicer than faction 3. "Welcome! Welcome!" An old man yelled.

We was kneeling down infront of a low table with a boy. The poor boy had a Burned spot right where is eye was. Nearly talking up the whole right side of his face except for the Chin and mouth.

"I think she's scared of me" He spoke up, leaning towards Sass who was now kneeling beside him. Thy were al kneeling at the table.

"Oh no sorry. I was a bit stunned by this" I say gesturing to his eye. He nods while looking down. "Everyone is" he mumbles.

I frowned. I sat in-between Peter and Kira as we sipped tea and talked. There were sandwiches and Cakes laid out.

"This tea is amazing uncle Iroh" I complement the old man. He smiled warmly at me with a chuckle.

"My favorite. Mainly everyone's favorite. Jasmine tea" he explained. I nodded. I looked around the table to see everyone getting along.

Theo and Liam feeding each other sushi, but failing because of the chopsticks.

Derek being a sour wolf and eating politely, while using the chopsticks normally.

Scott and Allison were being all cuddle. Peter, Aiden and kyle were throwing Small tomatoes in each other mouths.

Zuko and uncle Iroh filling more tea cups with tea. Kira and Lydia talking about their dresses.

An lastly stiles and Sass. Her head was on his shoulder as he ripped small portions of food and feeding it to her.

She looked really tired. That's when I realized that these guys are the only family they have. They love each other. No matter the difference.

These people can be my family.

My new lovable family!

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