
15 1 47

Third Person 
The arrows whizzes pas thomas and newts heads and into the wall beside them. They were shocked and looked up to see a girl with blood red hair. Sass.

The girl jumped down and loaded the crossbow again aiming it at the boys. "Utere tormentario in balteo meo, et in illis mitte." Sass ordered. 'Use the gun in my belt and shoot it at them'

She felt Ariel reach into her belt and grab the gun, Holding it up to the two boys. Thomas and newt's eyes widen. 

"Ariel what are you doing? I'm your husband" Newt said. Ariel kept a strong grip. "And im your best friend" Thomas said. 

"Bullshit, surrender now or be shot. Your choice" Sass threatened. The boys look at her. Her blue eyes pierced threw their souls.

"Licentia mitterent" Ariel spoke up. She kept her glare on the boys. They looked terrified. 'Permission to shoot'

"permissio" 'permission granted' 

And wit the final approval of Sass ariel pulled the trigger hitting thomas right in the neck. 

"NO!" Newt yelled and cached thomas's falling body. Ariel pressed the tip of the gun as newt's head. 

"Relax newtie, it's just tranquilliser" Then she shot him.

"Your a real smooth talker" 

Sass's POV                                                                     
I stand in front of the caged group of unconscious bodies. "Quite the tough ones scott. They're all immune." Theo said and tapped a asians boys head lightly with his foot.

"What about doppelganger over there? Quite suspicious" Derek said poking the boy who i think is thomas, from what ariel said.

"You think he's a robot?" Malia asked. Derek rolled his eyes and punched the boy roughly in the gut. 

Thomas gasped awake. He was tied upside down, outside the cage his friends were in. We were huddled around it. 

The Twins were hiding ariel behind them.

"What was that for? I'm not a punching bag" Thomas sneered. Derek raised an eyebrow and leaned down and leaned in Thomas's face.

"Keep talking like that and you will be my punching bag" Derek sneered. "You can talk tough guy" a voice said.

I looked at the cage to see them all waking up. I cross my arms as I leaned against the wall.

"You will pay for this!!! Locking us in here like animals!" Buzz cut said. I smirked and walked towards him.

"Well it's not my fault you look like a animal" I say with a smile. The boy reached out to grab me but I ducked and punched him it the gut.

He stammered back and a girl with short hair caught him. I turned away flicking my hair but suddenly I'm slammed back into he bars.

"Don't move or she's dead" it was a British accent threatened. I felt a knife be pressd accent my neck and my hair being pulled on tightly.

"Let her go boy" Derek sneered stepping closer but the boy holding me tighten the grip on my hair.

"I said don't move!"

Ariel's POV
I watched in horror as newt held the mini knife at Sass's neck. She didn't seem scared or in pain.

"I Said don't move!" Newt yelled and digged the knife into Sass's neck a little. "No stop newt stop!" Is ay moving from Aiden and Kyle.

Everyone looked at me. "Ariel" newt mumbled. "Newt let her go" I say. "you shot me and thomas. How do I know you haven't gone full evil because of this skunk" Newt spat.

"She had too, get you guys quickly and safely transported here. Guards aren't so forgiving when it comes to Travelers" Scott exclaimed coming closer.

Newt pointed the knife at threateningly. I saw Sass smirk and flip the arm if her and smashed it on the bar crossing across all the other bars.

He let out a yelp if pain and sass ran to Liam and Theo. Minho helped newt. "your just gonna stand there and let them hurt us?" He asked.

"Their not going to hurt you Minho. We're here to help you. If you were found by guards you guys would be dead. And plus stealing from domes is a very bad thing to do" I explained.

Newt looked at his arm then at me then the floor. "How can we trust you?" Sonya spoke up from the group.

"Because we're not turning you into the police." Derek sneered in Thomas face. The two boys glare at each other.

"Are you guys done fighting now? I'm getting bored up here" stiles aid coming downstairs. All eyes landed on him.

I looked at thomas and he looked the most shocked. "Great knows there's two Thomas's" Minho said. Gally hit him.

"Who are you?" Thomas asked.

"I'm stiles, stiles Stilinski" stiles answered. Stiles went right up to Thomas. He untied thomas.

The two kept eye contact. Stiles lifted his hand and so did Thomas. They touched hands.

"Weirdos" peter Allison mumbled earning me to elbow her in the stomach.

"Alright I'm telling mom" stiles was about to go upstairs before Sass grabbed him by the arm.

"You can't tell her! You going to give us away. Maybe go through some records. I can get the twins to get a DNA test and you two can do that. But right now we can't tell anyone we have these people" Sass said.

Stiles looked down before nodding and kissing Sass's check. "Alright, dinner's up stairs everyone. Move it" sass ordered and the all go upstairs except for me and Sass.

"Are you going to let us out?" Minho asked. "Are you going to Leave our some alone?" Sass asked back. Minho stayed quite.

She kept her arms folded. She knew she was the boss of the situation.

"Ariel please" newt said holding the bar with one hands as he kept the arm that sass attacked down.


"Come one please. Your my wife. Your a glader. Not a scumbag like them" I heard Sass gasp.

"I'll have you know that we are not scumba-" sass was cut off by stiles covered her mouth and holding her back from attacking newt and the over 18 people behind him.

I was angry that newt called my family scumbags.

"Newt you should know that these people aren't scumbags. They're my family, a better family than you halfwits could ever be!" I yelled and stormed away.

Third Person
Stiles went back upstairs to go comfort Ariel while I stayed down and dragged Thomas into another room.

"Why can't I be with the others?" He asked. Sass smirked and chained him to a chair. "Because, we need a bit more investigation on you"

Thomas couldn't help but feel the heat on his cheeks as she came close to his face. He wanted to kiss her for some reason. Her plumb red lips seemed so kissable.

"My eyes are here you freak" Sass growled. Thomas looked straight back up to her eyes.

"You better hope the border doesn't close before winter. Or else you are living on the streets of the outsiders" she threatened then walked away.

Thomas could only think of one person that she reminded him off.

Perrie stark.......

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