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Sass's POV
I was in complete shock. They're going to share me? What does that exactly mean?!

"So you want me to date both of you?" I asked hesitantly. Thomas nodded. "I just meet you!" I yelled throwing my hands everywhere.

"Sass be quiet. We don't exactly want anyone else to know" Stiles whispered. Suddenly Derek and Ariel entered.

"Is everything ok Lil?" Derek asked. He then glared at thomas and grabbed me pulling me away from him.

It took 2 years our of the 3 to get Derek to warm up to stiles. They both had a love-hate friendship.

"I need to go get some water" I say and walk up stairs. No one was there so I took a drink in silence.

"What did Thomas do?" Ariel asked coming upstairs. "Nothing nothing" i say but she gave me the look.

Ever since she's been staying here she's known a lot about me. Like a lot.

"Fine. Stiles and Thomas want to share me. They want me to be both their girlfriends" I say. Her face went to shock.

"Really?" She asked. I nodded. "Holy shit sticks" she says. I blushed deeply. "What if thomas doesn't like me? He'll get stiles to break up with me" I say over thinking things.

"Here Sass, go and feed the gladers and i'll give those boys a good talking too" Ariel suggested. I nodded.

Ariel's POV
I don't know what thomas is thinking but dating the same girl your brother is, is going to be hard. i walk down the stairs and reach the door and when i open it, thomas and stiles aren't inside.

"Thomas?" i whispered out loud. Suddenly i feel a hand slap against my mouth. I turn to see stiles tied up on the chair and gally standing above him. 

I tried to see the person behind me, who just so happened to be newt. 

"Let go of me you Barbaric asshole!" A girl yelled. I turn to see Sass being carried over Minho's shoulder. Thomas was behind him putting his hand over sass's mouth.

"Let's go before they find out" Minho said and they run to a window. Gally dropped stiles into a dumpster followed by sass. They then jumped down leaving me and newt to go.

"How'd you get out?" i asked through his mouth. Newt looked at me and kissed my cheek. "None of ya business love" he says and pushes me out the window. I landed in gally's arms. 

"You better let me go! Ass hole!" Sass screeched again as thomas grabbed her gagging her mouth. "Hey let go of my girlfriend!" Stiles yelled. Thomas looked at him.

"I thought we were sharing?" He taunted. We saw a cart and horses so we got thrown on. "What the fuck?" I asked. Newt and thomas got in with us while minho and gally went to drive the cart.

Thomas removed sass's gag. "You disgust me" She spat at him. "You really shouldn't, our my girlfriend after all" He said and kissed her cheek. Sass's face burned red.

"You really need to learn how to be a good brother" Stiles said. He huddled closer to Sass.

"You really kidnapped us? You know they're going to kill you right!" I yelled. Newt raised an eyebrow at me.

"Last time I checked, Scotty doesn't kill people" he taunts and bops my nose.

"Derek will make an exception" Sass growled. She held onto stiles hand.

We stayed silent till we came to a stop. Gally and Minho got us out and Sass gasped. We were in The Gemini Territory.

The Gemini's have always been our rival band of misfits. "Well if it isn't the Scorpions. Taking a lovely stroll are we?" Their leader, Conner asked.

"Shove a sock in it Bailey" Sass growled using his last name. A few chuckles emerged from the crowd but he quickly shit them up.

"You have leverage, now you must promise us access out fo the dome" Gally said. Conner smirked and men grabbed Sass.

"Hey! Let me down you Asses! Never touch a woman like that!" Sass yelled as they carried her away.

"Hey give her back!" Thomas yelled. "That wasn't apart of the deal" Newt yelled.

"I said the whole Gang, not the pretty one. Your no use to us anymore. Get out or get handed in to the police" A Man growled.

Newt grabbed my arm while Thomas grabbed stiles. "No we can't leave her!" Me and stiles yell as we exited the shed with Gally and Minho.

"Look, they're going to use Sass as leverage to get things. Then your little 'family' can have Her back" Gally explained.

"They were going to give us access out of the dome but that didn't work" Minho replied. "They wanted all of them. Man how would we do that?" Minho exaggerated.

"Wait, today's Tudo day." I said. They looked at me and stiles smiled. "Exactly, they must be trading there. They'll most likely trade Sass for your Glader people." Stiles figured out.

"Why would the want our guys?" Newt asked. "And I thought you were smart" I mumbled causing stiles to stifle a laugh.

"Because they need more bait for the guards. As long as they feed the police Travelers, the police won't attack them." I explained.

Suddenly blowing of a whistle was heard so we turned to see Guards pointing at Thomas Newt's grip on me and Stiles.

"We need to go" Gally said. "Let me go, I know somewhere we can go" stiles said. Thomas let him go and stiles raced off.

With Newt's grip still around my arm we came to the familiar hole in the wall. We went through and hurried down the streets.

I realized Ariel's was heading to uncle Iroh's. We entered through the back to see Zuko and Iroh making tea.

"What in the world?" Zuko murmured but stiles and I pushed past him and put him infront of us.

Zuko was now our wall. Me and stiles Vs Newt, gally, Minho and Thomas. "Stiles you have a twin! Congratulations!" Iroh said all happy.

"No uncle No! No congratulations. These guys kidnapped us and Now Sass is with the Gemini's!" I said.

Iroh then glared at them. His happy chappy self was now calmly angry. "Get out of my shop. No one gives my niece to a bunch of conviving snakes!" He yelled throwing a spoon at Minho.

Sass's family was weird. Derek, Malia and her Were brother and sisters with Zuko. Peter and Iroh were they're uncle's and their father is unknown along with their mother.

"Hey watch the hair!" The Asian yelled. Zuko glared at them. Newt kept looking at his burnt eye.

"What happened to you?" He asked. Zuko raised the only eyebrow he had.

"None of your business" he growled and punched the air sending a fire blast from his hand into gally sending him back. Did I forget to mention that Zuko and Iroh are fire benders?

"You two are lucky we closed for today" Iroh said pointing at us with a spoon then threw that at newt.

"Don't hurt them. They just made deals with the wrong people" stiles said. Zuko had stopped bending the fire in his fist and Iroh stopped throwing spoons.

"Then what do we do with them?" Zuko asked. "Bring them back to Scott and the others. We'll thing of a plan" Stiles said but I stopped him. The glader boys gulp.

"I already have a plan..."

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