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Perrie's POV
FUCK! Wasn't I dead a minute ago?! I was peaceful in Heaven with Natasha and dad when I'm suddenly on the fucking ground! Hearing people talking!

I sit up to see people rushing to newt, Thomas and Ariel. Wait... Newt, Thomas and Ariel. HOLY CHEEZ FUCKS!

"can someone explain to me what is going on?" I asked to no one in particular. I looked around to see some familiar faces, Minho, Sonya, Harriet, Brenda and many others.

"Holy shit it's Perrie stark! Aren't you a confused gal!" Minho said coming towards me. Ariel smiled as she tackled me over in a hug.

"Ariel your choking me. And why am I here? Thanos killed me" I say as I pull away from the hug and hold her shoulders.

"Then Wanda brought you back as sometime of Reality thing, then you were made into a robot and let's say both ways ended up with you dying..." Ariel trailed off.

"Oh" I say. Newt comes over to us with Thomas and the both smile at me. "Welcome to the safe haven Perrie. This is where we went." Newt explained. I nodded.

A man, I think who was called Vince came up to us. "You must be the famous perrie stark. We've heard a lot about you. I spoke to your father, tony stark?" He asked. I nodded.

"How is he?" Vince asked. I looked down. "Dad's dead" I said smiling sadly. Vince nods his head and helps me up. "Alright that's enough!!! I'll take Miss Stark to my Hut for investigation! Have fun with are Survivors!" Vince yelled and took me away.

Time skip
Vince said that'll he'll let me stay for as long as I want. He said it's a small favor to do for me and the avengers Saving his butt and others from WCKD.

I opened the door to see newt and Ariel hanging out with their friends and others. I looked around more to see Thomas and Teresa.

Last time I saw her was when the Shield Guard was taking her away for Questioning. Then I saw something that made my heart stop beating.

Teresa leaned up and Kissed Thomas. Passionately. I had to stop myself from throwing up.

"Hey perrie!" Ariel's voice yelled out pulling me from my gaze. She waved me over, so I went over.

"You guys know perrie. She helped us escape WCKD about 3 years ago" Ariel said. "Wasn't it 6?" I asked. Ariel shakes her head. "In this universe, times are different." Newt explains.

"Oh" I say. A girl with short hair held out her hand. "My name's Brenda, but I guess you already know that?" She asked me. I nodded.

"I know all your names. I did research on all you guys before we rescued you" I say. A tall boy came up to me, his eyebrows were farely funny.

"Famous perrie stark, uh? I've heard about you." He said getting in my face. I stood tall with my hands over my chest.

"What's got you here?" He asked. "I don't know. I was chilling in heaven when I was dragged back down here" I say. Others looked at me weirdly.

Ariel smiles at them. "She was dead." She clarifies. "Ohh" others said but then snapped back to me with confused faces.

"My universe is weird" I admitted. "Looks like we're having a campfire! For the new arrival! And the return of Newt, Ariel and Thomas!" People all around us cheered.

I couldn't help but smile.

Time skip
I was sat infront of a big bonfire in the middle of the night. We were all up and celebrating. I became friends with everyone, well nearly everyone.

Some still held grudges about sending them back to this 'rotton' universe. And Teresa. Let's say she was nice.

Thomas must've told her about our relationship together. "Soo, you rich?" She asks me. It was just us too sat on some benches.

I looked down. "Ya, but I don't lik spending money unless it's on my education or friends" I say. She rolled her eyes.

"What's it like being a normal teenager?" She asked me. I smile innocently. "I'm not a normal teenager. Never went to school till Ariel and that showed up. And when I was growing up, I had alien and robot wars!" I say, slapping my hands to my thighs.

Teresa handed me a beer bottle. My eyebrows furrow. "Where do you get this stuff?" I asked. She shrugged.

"Your dump shield Organization may have dumped us here but they still send supplies. It's like the glade, except it's not as dangerous and Wallish" she says. I laugh and take a sip of the beer.

"Soo you and Thomas?" I asked. She nodded with a smile. "Yeah sorry for taking him" she admitted. I felt a pang of sadness in my heart.

"Bah it's fine" I lied. "apparently I'm married and had children but I don't exactly know how that would happen" I say. Teresa just laughs causing me to laugh with her.

Ariel's POV
"Am I blind or is Teresa and Perrie getting along?" Thomas asked. I turned around to see perrie laughing around with Teresa with a beer bottle in hand.

"They're getting along" newt replied. "Ooo drama" I say doing jazz hands but making sure my beer bottle doesn't spill.

"Shut it Ariel. I didn't expect my ex girlfriend to get along with my now now girlfriend" Thomas muttered. Newt swayed his hips behind me, so I dance with him. I turn to Thomas.

"Well, just saying that Perrie is still technically married and has children" I say. Thomas grumbles.

"She had a wife and children. Wanda never actually loved perrie. Wanda was manipulated her so she feels ok that vision died." Thomas said. Newt stops dancing.

"That's actually a good theory. Wanda's attraction to vision was quite strong. So when the mind stone transferred to Perrie's head, Wanda's love must've went with it" newt explained. I actually agreed with him.

"So you could get with perrie again. I much prefer her that Teresa" I say. "Yeah but, Teresa will destroy perrie's reputation. Get her kicked out of the safe haven. Look as much as I love perrie, I'm going to protect her from Teresa" Thomas said.

"By making out with another girl infront of her? Good luck" newt said and whisked me away.

It was late now at night and me and newt went to our old hut. Vince said that we can have it back. Newt was holding me as I wrapped my legs around his waist as my arms were around his neck.

He opens the door and then closed it behind us. We crashed on the bed and we looked at each other. "I love you newt" I say. He smiles and kisses me passionately.

About 2 minutes later we pull away breathless and he smiles. "I love you too" and he started kissing me again...

And let's say that things got a bit heated 😉😏

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