Chapter 5

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Sana POV

Shoot! That girl is totally rude. I felt bad for Minho. His face turned bright red and his hands shaking when he handed me his notes. That guy already nervous to talking to me and that jerk's remarks wasn't helping. I barely caught up with Minho after avoiding bumping into any other student. I don't need any more accident to add. I thanked him for his notes and I even complimenting his neat handwriting and how clear his notes it is. Minho didn't make any eyes contact.

"Hmm, if I need some help I could asked you right?" I asked him.

Suddenly, his face beams and his eyes twinkled.

"Yes. Yo-you could come to me i-if you need help. Anytime." He told me.

He's such a sweet person. He might stuttered a lot, but a nice person. He even showed me to my next class. How was the other classes? Lets just say, I can hardly wait for this day to be over. But, most important I didn't see more that Chaeyoung girl. I don't know if we had other classes together or not, but however one classes for today was enough. I couldn't bare to see her again today.

There's one girl in one of my classes introduced herself to me, Nayeon. She had this cute bunny teeth and she definitely looks like bunny. She such a cheerful girl. She compliment my lipstick colour as I compliment her eyeliner and boom. We became a friend, just like that. We sat together at lunchtime. Nayeon asked me a bunch of question, like where I come from? How was it there and more. When the conversation start to turn towards my parent, I push the pain back and quickly change the topic. Thank god I was successfully to make her forget the topic of my parent.

Its just, I don't want to see the same reaction again and again. I saw the same 'I'm sorry' face a lot at my precious school. People look at me and Jeongin differently ever since that happened. Even after almost ten months, those looks never changed. Finally, first day was over. I waiting for Jeongin at parking and I can see he's looking good with his new friend and I'm glad.

"How was the school?" Aunt Mina yelled from the kitchen as we announced our arrival.

"Mine was good." Jeongin yelled and plops on the couch.

I just response with a growl. Aunt Mina came out wearing a checkerboard apron with red and black stains, wiping her hands on the kitchen towel. Seeing her like this, making me missed mom. She really looked like mom. She looked at me smiling.

"How about you, Sana? Any interesting thing happened?" She asked.

Interesting? Oh, if you know what happened. I guess she know me well and apparently, she didn't hear the previous response so I growled again.

"So soon! Its just the first day." She laughed.

I sigh. I don't know why that put me down, but the thought of this was barely number one depressed me.

"Its has been a very eventful day." I responded.

"Oh. By the way, principal Christophe says hi." I said smirked to her.

If you could see her face. She frown and that's making me laugh. Then, Jeongin walk towards aunt Mina and put his arm on her shoulder smirking looking at me.

"Sana noona almost knocked down a blind girl." Jeongin offered.

"And its not only once, but twice!" He added and laugh.

I glared at him for a moment then give up. I was going to tell her too anyway. Aunt Mina look at me in shock.

"I want details." She said pointed a finger at me.

"From both of you." Then, that finger moved to Jeongin.

"But, first lets me get the chicken out of the oven and both of you two go change. Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes. Now, shuu." She said to us.

I went to my room and closing the door behind me. I dropped on my bed and pressed pillow to my face.

"Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!" I screaming but it didn't make it better.

Shoot! I kept thinking about that girl, Chaeyoung. Did I overstep when I told her that she was a jerk? But, she is right? I just pointed it out. Then, why I feel bad about it? Well, its not my fault that I can't control my mouth from blurting what's running in my mind. It just comes out. No filters. From brain straight to mouth. I'm just being honest you know. I sigh. I get up and take a quick shower and then went downstairs helping aunt Mina with dinner.

"So, what happened huh?" She asked.

"Can't we not talk about it?" I replied.

"Nope. I want details. And please, no skip." Aunt Mina said.

"Well, you know how struggle it is to be a new girl. So, apparently people keep whisper, glaring and whistle at me as I walk. And you know how irritating it is right? So, I make a quick sharp turn and boom! I bumped into this girl. She don't even apologise or offer a help. She's rude as she snap me by told she was blind. Okay, that's fine as its also my fault. Then, coincidence is so sweet as I apparently sit on her seat and almost making her fall. Then, we sit side by side. Okay, that's was fine. Then, the teacher ask this guy to give his notes to me. As he talk to me, he stuttering so much and this rude girl snap him away and humiliate that guy. I swear, she's rude. Then, I called her jerk and told her that she's not just eyes blind but also heart as she so rude to other people." I tell aunt Mina what exactly happened.

God! Just thinking about her make me feel bad, guilty and mad. I buff an air from my mouth. Aunt Mina just laughed hearing my story. As she compose herself, she turn to me and smile.

"But, Sana. You don't know what happen to her making her being like that. I know, she's a bit rude. But, don't you being the same as her by telling her like that? Be a little nice doesn't cost anything right?" She said.

Shoot! Aunt Mina was right. That's why I feel bad and guilty after saying that. I sigh. I don't know what happened to her to she react like that. But, she's also doesn't have to be rude right?

"Don't think to much, just apologise. Apologise didn't make we weak or lost. Its just make our heart let go the bad feeling. Go and call Jeongin. Dinner is ready." She said.

A couple of days passed with Chaeyoung nowhere in sight. The more I thought about what I told her the more I hated myself. Aunt Mina was right, maybe I'm was a bit harsh to her. When I asked Minho about her, he told me that Chaeyoung usually like this and then shows up. I took it a good sign then. I mean, she didn't drop out the school because what I said right? There still was a hope. I want to apologise to her and I just wanted to restore my inner peace. I hate this guilt eating thingy.

By now, I already know where all my classes. There's a moment I might get a little confused but I still could recall it. Nayeon now was my everyday lunch time buddy. Whoever finished their class first would wait for the other one. We didn't actually set an actual rule for that, just its what we have been doing. She talked a lot about her family. They seemed sweet and funny. I also already met her sister the other day when she come to pick her up and she was really sweet as Nayeon.

Day three, I walk to my History class and I paused before I went in. Finally, the person I been looking for is here. She was there sitting silently at her seat. There she is, Son Chaeyoung.

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