Chapter 18

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Chaeyoung POV

I waited for her response. I wanted to know. I need to know. Would she leave too? Whatever words Momo said to me before there still hanging and stuck in my head. There a familiar frustration formed in my chest intensified with every passing second that she kept silent. In that exact moment, my mind went wild questioning everything and I was to close discarding everything including any emotions I had towards her. I was on the urge of categorising them as ridiculous and silly. I waited for her to answer.

Then Sana placed her gentle hand on my head and my nerves accumulated in response. Her touch was soothing, affectionate and clement. It washed over me softer than the rain drops that rolled on my skins. Every thought that I had was silenced. When she spoke, her voice reached me as soft as her touch. I could feel her face close to mine like she was looking inside my soul. I know she was looking at me. I can feel it.

"I will stay next to you until you wake up." She said.

My heart jumped.

"Even if it took a weeks?" I asked right away.

I still searching for something to hate. I still doubting how she far she will go. I'm trying to prove to myself that she wasn't different from everyone else.

"For as long as it takes." She said sincerely.

Yes, there's no hint of hesitation in her voice at all. And my demons were seized. Only then I stood and I'm confident enough. I let her guide me to her car.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" She asked after she took her place next to me.

I shook my head. I didn't feel like to going to an empty house.

"How about my house then?" She asked.

I shrugged.

"Aunt Jeongyeon coming or not?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"No. She got caught up in the rain. I told her, I will catch a ride." I said.

"Do you want to call her?" She asked again.

"No. She's on her way to the hospital." I replied.

I hear she gasped. Then, her hand gripped me.

"Why? What happened?" She asked worried.

"Grandpa had a heart attack this afternoon." I said.

But, the words felt heavy in my mouth and tasted like salt. Again, I hear she gasped.

"Oh my god! Will he be alright?" She sound concern and worried.

I shook my head again.

"We don't know yet. Aunt Jeongie didn't sound optimistic when she told me" I paused and then I blasted.

"I-I don't understand. I mean- he didn't drink or smoke. H-he exercise regularly, and follows a healthy diet. There's no one in his aged that I know, follow a healthy life style like him. All green and organic." I said.

Sana gripped my hand with both hers.

"I'm really sorry. Sometimes, things just happen. I'm sure he will be fine." She said.

Her voice is nothing but sympathy and hope. I hoped too. There was a moment of silence between us filled with nothing but loud thuds of rain drops falling on the roof of her car and the whistle of wind whipping outside. Her hand soft and comforting on mine. I was grateful for the mere reason that she existed.

"Do you want me to drive you to the hospital?" Sana asked.

I shook my head right away. Everyone seemed worried right now, and there was no need to burden others with me right now. Despite my condition.

"So, how about my house?" She offered again.

I shrugged. I don't know. Even she dropped me in the middle of the road I wouldn't care right now. Sana drove silently allowing me to preserve the quite mind state I was in. I don't want think about anything right now. If I do, I will fall under every bad thing I said or did. Every wrong action and bad choice I made in my life and I have enough of those to make me stop wanting to get up in the morning.

"Yo, man. I'm already here. Hurry up." She called someone.

"Jeongin." She said after the call.

I didn't even notice that we have stopped. Then, the door opened and a gush of rain and wind below in before the door shut.

"Oh, hi. I'm Jeongin. You must be Chaeyoung. Finally, we got chance to met." The man voice said from behind me.

"Nice to meet you, Jeongin." That was all I said.

I could sense he wanted to said more but he held back. Probably Sana told him not to or maybe I didn't give any talkative vibe. So, our ride carried in silence.

"Here's a towel and some dry clothes. You could change into it." Sana placed a soft material in my hand as soon as we reached her house.

"The bathroom is down the hall. Sink on the left, toilet on the right, shower straight ahead." She set me direction of the hall.

"You can sit in the living room if you like to, it will be on second door on your left couch in the middle." She said and I just nodded.

Then, she leave me and do her thing. So, I decide to go and wait her at living room.

Sana POV

I ran upstairs, jumping two steps at the same time. I took the quickest shower in the history of my life. I didn't even wait for hot water and then got dressed in the lightning speed. As I finished, I dashed downstairs again. Fuh, record time. I pulled Chaeyoung's clothes from the dryer and hand it to her. Then, I carried two mugs of hot chocolate to the living room. I left one for Jeongin in the kitchen for when he comes down. Before I approach Chaeyoung, I standing in the doorway for a minute I took a look at Chaeyoung who was silent, numb and distant.

I saw her drowned in her own thoughts before but not like this. She always appeared strong and collected. Never on the edge of breaking. It seemed like the weight she carried on her shoulder finally taking its toll on her. It worried me seeing her like this. She was in deep thought that she didn't hear me come in. Setting the mugs on the table, I peeled open her clenched fist and placed a warm mug there. I take the place next to her and hugging my legs waited for her to says something. Then, my thought hits me, what if she asked me about my parent? Why should I told her? I'm not ready for that. The front door opened interrupting my thought.

"I'm home!" Aunt Mina announced her arrival.

"Guys! Are you back yet?" She asked.

"We are back!" Jeongin yelled from upstairs.

She didn't realise that we were sitting in the living room and just passed us right to the kitchen.

"Can you believe that I just had my car washed this morning and now its raining. Such a waste. All muddy and dirty. And now I have to clean it from the inside too." She mumble from the kitchen.

Jeongin then came downstairs with a thud as he jumped the last four steps.

"Jeongin! How many times I told you don't jumped like that. You're not small anymore." Aunt Mina scold him.

"Yeah, yeah. Aunt Mina. You will never guess what noona brought home." He said in a telltale voice like he's about to rat me out.

He glanced at me and winked. I smiled as I heard aunt Mina growl from the kitchen.

"Sana. Please tell me you didn't bring home another stray." She said.

I whispered to Chaeyoung now that she frowned a little listening to my crazy family. I smiled.

"I'm sorry but I can't miss the opportunity." I said to her. Chaeyoung seems confused and I chuckled.

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