Chapter 47

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Chaeyoung POV

The days before the surgery that I have prepared myself to live in sheer boredom and excessive thinking never happened. Sana was here every single day and she had me doing things I have never thought I would do. Every day she would 'kidnap' me as she liked to call it and we hit the road. Never once did she tell me where we were going. It was a surprise and that's why she call it kidnap for the reason. Some of those surprise were relaxing and calming like when we walked on the beach hand in hand. Or when we went to the concert. Or when she sighed us up for a pottery class where we created a plate or something. I think I should just stick to my drawing and music.

As mush as I want to tell that I was a art person, but doing pottery so much not for me. The prove is, I was trying to make a mug for Sana, but somehow ended up making a mug that was as wide as a bowl instead. The sweet ring of Sana's laugh when she saw it had me grinning. She kept it anyway. On the other hand, I was astounded by the things we did. We also went for rock climbing and I must say to you, for a blind person it wasn't that easy. Sana instructed the placing of my hands and feet all the way to the top. Another day, we went parasailing despite the cold weather. We glided in air wearing an open parachute while a motorboat sliced the waves on high speed dipping our toes in water every once and while. After we got out, Sana was shivering in my arms for a long time before she warm again. And the madness carries on.

I think the most crazy thing she had us doing was bungee jumping. Where the hell did she find that? Honestly, I don't even know or have no clue. And to think that I would object or disagreed or something. Huh! Never happened. However, she did apologise ever so sweetly, if we plummeted to our death. She had a tight grip around me and her screams were only muffled by my shoulder were she hid when we stopped over the edge. Soon, both of us were laughing as we dangled upside down by ropes. What a rush! The day before surgery, we had an early dinner at Sana's house. I tried not to overthink about what tomorrow was bringing, but my mind kept going to that point. The surgery itself didn't worry me. Its the results that had me tied in knots.

I felt the softness of Sana's hand as she covered mine. I turned my head to where she sat next to me at the dinner table and smiled. She squeezed my hand and it felt like a caress straight on the nerves. I had no doubt that she will be by my side through good and bad. After dinner I suggested we did go for a walk. I wanted to talked to her. We strolled slowly hand in hand slightly swinging with every step. The air scented with salty smell of sea and the sweet perfume of the piece of my heart that was walking next to me. I couldn't hear many people around us and only a few cars passed by. The moment was perfect.

"I never got to say thank you." I said interrupting the silence.

"For what?" She asked.

"For the passed day." I grinned and she laughed.

"Even when you were scared, cold or tired you never backed down." I said.

"I had you with me." Her hands hugged mine between them with her voice smiled at me.

I felt my heart flutter. We continued walking in silence for a while. Or at least I hope it was silence because I could hear the loud, out of rhythm thuds. Anxiety started pull on my nerves mercilessly. I swallowed hard and then cleared my throat. I never felt this nervous in my life.

"I want to tell you something." I broke the silence again.

She just humming. Inhale. Exhale.

"I know it might be selfish saying this just one day before the surgery." I paused.

I stopped walking, turned to face her. I placed her hand on my chest suddenly needing to feel her close. My thumb gently stroking her wrist.

"I wanted to tell you this many times before but I couldn't bring myself to." I scoffed at myself.

"I thought by holding back I was saving myself the heartache in case you walked away. Its just I can't hold back anymore." I paused again take a deep breath.

I pressed her hand over my heart for a moment before lifting it to my lips for a moment longer savouring and saving everything from these precious minutes. Feeling the meaning of every word like I have ever did before just as they left my lips.

"What I want to say is, I love you, Sana." I said.

I know she had told me the words and I also already told her. But, tonight I really want her to know what I'm feeling. I brushed her knuckles with my lips and started to turn to finish our walk.

"I love you too. So much. You know how I feel about you right?" She said as soft as a whisper.

My whole existence was frozen into a striking half that left me motionless. Despite being on tenterhooks and despite the longing that was carved on the walls of my heart. I have made my peace with possibility of not hearing her saying those words.

"Can you said it again? I just wanted to hear it." I said.

She stepped closer driving everything that was I wild.

"I love you too, Chaeyoung. So much" the smile was clear in her words.

No hesitation. No regret. Only confidence and certainly. Closing our gap, she locked her arms around me pressing her body against me and waiting impatiently for her lips to find mine. I started kissing her shoulder, then the sweet spot on her neck that made her giggle, then under her jaw. I traced a line with my lips until I found what I was searching for. Fireworks exploded in my brain. I have always been careful when we kissed. Always fighting the urge to close the distance between us. I mentally prepared guide lines and rules for when we kissed or touched. Tonight.. well tonight every rules and self control flew out the window.

Our kisses started hungrily and ended leaving me greedy, starving and yearning for more. And when Sana bit my lower lips a violent shiver burned through my body almost brought me to knees. I had to slightly push her body to the door while I caught my breath. My hands caged her close by the dip of her waist. I panting like I have just ran a marathon. My whole body was threatening to give up on me and collapse. Resting my forehead against her. Her scent calming me and driving me mad at the same time and I was in one heap of astonishing mess.

"I can't wait to see you." My voice came out gruff.

Sana once again captured my lips and its drive me crazy and as she pulled away she pressed her lips long on my forehead.

"Are you worried about tomorrow?" Her voice was gentle and a little out of breath like mine.

For some reason, that made me happy. Was I worried about tomorrow? The question hung there for a moment. After the last few minute there was nothing that could break me.

"Well, I have something else to think about." I grinned and waggled my eyebrow at her.

Sana slapped my arm and I laughed. My sweet, lovely, not so shy, crazy and stubborn Sana. Tomorrow will be the new ray for me.

"I'm perfectly fine. I can walk on my own and I haven't had my surgery yet. So, why are you pushing me around?" I said.

I tried to stand but the firm hand on my shoulder set me back on the wheelchair.

"Hospital rules." The nurse behind me said patiently.

The way she handling me told me that I wasn't her first grumpy patient.

"I don't need it!" I growled.

Aunt Jeongyeon stepped in, her voice becoming closer.

"Chaeng, why don't you let the nice lady here do her job. And relax, Sana will be here." She said.

She knew exactly which of my fuses were about to flare.

"Did you try to call her?" I asked.

"Yes, she said she was on her way." Aunt Jeongyeon breathed.

~ Michaeng on tiktok guys 😍 ~

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