Chapter 24

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Sana POV

"And now, live from our studios, aunt Jeongyeon is reaching for a hand shake. Aunt Mina is reaching out too. Watch out people they are gazing into each other's eyes maybe straight to their soul." I was whispering to Chaeyoung.

Seeing her smile got me going on with the details. Well, in funny way. But, whatever as long as she know the details what going on. Seeing her smile make me smile too.

"And one little hood, two little hood, three little hood and more little hood. They still holding their each others hands." I informed Chaeyoung and changed my voice.

"I think we have just witnessed love at first sight." I said and gasp dramatically.

Chaeyoung just smile hearing what I said. It looked real, they were still holding hands, simply lost, gazing into each other eyes. Wide opened, with twinkle. Awe, they are cute. This is why, principal Christophe didn't have chance at all. Aunt Mina is a gay. Ah-ha, we both is a gay. And to be told, she's the first one I confess about being gay before I told my parents. She the one convince me that everything would be fine. There were a few times where I was a hundred percent sure of how right something could be. This is one of my few moment. Sadly, I have just noticed that it had been a long time since I saw aunt Mina eyes sparkle and her face light up like this. I think Jeongin noticed that too. He stepped closer standing beside me and he rounded his arm around my waist.

"Oh, you're not from around here." Aunt Jeongyeon said in a dreamy voice and still gazing into her eyes.

"Yeah. We just moved here recently." Aunt Mina replied with the same voice.

Aunt Jeongyeon nodded and smile.

"Must be, or I would have remembered seeing you." She said.

Shoot! Nice one aunt Jeongyeon! Nice one. I cheered silently. I saw the way she treated Chaeyoung. How much she cares about her, how she treated her family. So, I know she is awesome in many ways and might be just what aunt Mina needed. From the looks of it maybe she was aunt Jeongyeon needed too. Aunt Jeongyeon volunteered to drive me and Jeongin home. So, I could catch some sleep. Chaeyoung was about to do the same. Now, everything seemed moved in good way slowly and I hope it will be continued that way. And I could recharge my sleeping in fluffy, cozy, and soft idea.

Chaeyoung POV

I couldn't do anything as she took it upon herself to drive me to the hospital after school. When Doctor Kang released gramps from the ICU to a regular room, she already asked me if she could visit him or not. Before I could answer her question she said that even if I didn't give her permission, she still wanted to visit him. She with her stubborn head. But, she didn't know how much that meant to me. And now, here we are arrived at the hospital. I was just about to introduce her to him when the ild man took over before me could do so.

"Oh, you must be the gorgeous and sweet Sana that everyone talking about." Gramps said when we stepped into his room.

Wow! Apparently, the news travel fast in this family. Just like that, they were talking like some ol'pals. I just sat in the end of the bed hearing Sana giggle over something the old man said. And he would laughed at something she said. I didn't concentrate much on what they were talking about. Their voices fell right in place. Sana got along with every single person of my family. Even with my father who always been serious and so on. She captured all of them as she captured me.

I couldn't help not to envy to everyone who could see her. I heard the words gorgeous, beautiful and cute being used around me and I envied to every one of those people. Actually, I imagine her in my mind but I don't think I do her justice. I sigh. Not that seeing her would change anything from my side. I'm already hooked. The realisation of admitting those words whipped through my body and stormed in my brain.

"Earth to Chaeyoung!" Aunt Jeongyeon voice reached my ears and snatched me out of my thought.

Eh? When did she get here?

"What are you thinking about that make you smile like an idiot?" She asked curiously but in teased tone.

Aish, she never failed to embarrassed me. I just shook my head saying nothing. Well, at least for now I guess.

Nayeon and Minho also came to visit grandpa. The gesture maybe seemed simple to others, but it meant a lot to me. The gesture gave the meaning of friendship a new prospective. The day after, mom told me that Yugyeom came to visit grandpa too while I went home to change.

"He kept apologising for being bad friend to you, Chaengie. I don't know what actually happened between you two, but its never to late to talk about whatever it is. You know how, he loved you. Eventually, he was your part." Mom said.

I just nodded. My first thought he shouldn't have came at all, but then when hearing what mom said. She's right. He once was my part. And strangely it didn't matter anymore. A new light was shed over that friendship part. And new profound respect and appreciation towards people I knew. The first bell rang as I waited for Sana near the lockers as we usually do. She was running late today. Actually, this is a first. Sana usually will be here on time and she will be the first one that I have knew who has been on time in all history. But, not today.

The sounds around me started to ease as other students walked to their classes. But, none was Sana. There was no usual confidant steps walking towards me. Or the chirp of her voice as she greeted me in the morning. Not even my favourite scent of her perfume that she always wearing since I met her. The calm scent that also make me calm. Actually, its weird as she didn't showed up. She's never late and never missed to told me if she didn't come. Then, my phone buzzed in my pocket, blasting the caller ID in its electronic tone "Sana". I picked up in a rush.

"Hey, where are you?" I started.

"Hmm, hello Chaeyoung." Someone said.

Eh? That wasn't Sana voice. 

"This is aunt Mina." She continued.

"Oh, hi." I said but I'm sure I failed to hide the disappointment in my voice.

Why is aunt Mina calling from Sana phone? Did something happened? My heart sank at the thought.

"Is everything okay?" I asked right away.

"Oh, yeah. Everything is fine." She said calmly.

Then, where is she if everything is fine?

"Sana asked me to call you. She will won't be coming to the school today." Aunt Mina replied.

"Why? What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"She has a sore throat, running a fever, coughing, and today she woke up without a voice. So, she will be staying at home for a couple of days." She explain with the same tone.

What? Then, my mind playing back the last few days. The time she stood with me under the rain, the lack of sleep because she was with me in the hospital and the exhaustion from the days that followed. She did cough a few times yesterday. Cleared her throat before she talked. And only now I recalled her hand was warmer to the touch but I just hanged it on the weather. Guilt ate over me uncontrollably. Just like that my day flipped to darkness.

"Hello.. Chaeyoung? You still there?" Aunt Mina voices pulled me out of my thought.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry, I'm here." I said.

Aunt Mina sighed all the sudden.

"Um-how should I said this?" She was more talking to herself instead of me.

"Well, she wrote and I quote.. Have a nice day Your Awfulness. Oh great Lord of Evil and Despair." She said and then she spoke fast.

"I'm really sorry but that what she wrote down. She wrote that you will get it." She said.

I smiled.

"Tell her thank you. I will. Thanks aunt Mina." I replied and we end the call.

I never experienced that feeling of someone knowing me so well. But, Sana does that. She got me. She understood me. Again, I smiled remembering her. This is going to be long day for me.

- mihyo so cute. And mina looking like a CEO 🙈

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