Chapter 42

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Sana POV

As we when down, two pairs of skating shoes were prepared for us.

"How did you know my shoes size?" I asked as I slipped my other foot inside the shoe that fitted me perfectly.

"I asked aunt Mina." She simply answered.

"Chaeyoung? How exactly you know that this is my size?" I asked just noticing how accurate her measurements were.

"Actually, its your fault because of two reason. First, you leave your slippers laying around for me to trip on them." She said.

Point! I did that. If it wasn't slippers, then it was the bag. I blushed.

"I'm sorry." I said pouting.

As silence stretched, I notice that she didn't share what was the second reason.

"And number two?" I asked.

"You left me in your room unattended. So, your slippers told me." A cheeky grin appeared on her face as she said.

I laughed shaking my head. This girl was resourceful. I watched her fingers moving swiftly tying the laced in a secured knot. She never seize to amazed me. How she held herself up. How she refused to count on others for help. How independent she was and above all that, how sweet and gentle and caring she was. The more I knew Chaeyoung, the deeper  I fell for her.

"So, ready to have fun?" She stood on the blades steady and confidant.

Then she held out her hand for me.

"Yes!" I smiled and reached out her hand.

She entwined our fingers smiling at me and we stepped to the ring. Chaeyoung was graceful on the ice as she was in everything else. However, we did slam into the glass twice. Well, actually Chaeyoung did. She would always put herself between me and the glass when we couldn't stop in time. We needed a few trials and errors before we learned how to work it out. Afterwards things couldn't be smoother. What was better than skating?

Better than coldness. The sound of blades slicing the hard ice. The chilled blasts as we dashed across the ring. The feeling of being released as we glide across the ring. The best thing was that we were doing that together. Chaeyoung was right. I was doing the thing I dream to do, and I'm creating new memories that I will hold close to my heart. With her. We laughed, we skated, we talked and we teased each other. At some point she took her gloves and hand me wearing it.

"Is this warm enough?" She asked holding my hands.

Warm enough? I didn't know what was wrong with my fingers because the rest of me is burning. I could feel the warmth of her body lingering inside me as she bring her body closer to me making me smell her scent. That things did to my heart and mind that I couldn't explain.

"Hmm. Yes, thank you." I said.

Oh my god! Please have some mercy to my heart. Those dimple peaked as she smiled. Chaeyoung had a clothed table set with two chairs. A vase of flowers stood in the middle. There were two covered plate and glasses. She made her way to one of the chairs with counted and measures steps. She pulled a chair out for me and waited for me to sit.

"Chaeyoung, this is so sweet!" I remarked looking at the tiny lights that sparkled around us like specks of stars.

"Wait until you see what's for dinner." She grinned.

I laughed when I lifted up the cover from the plate in front of me. Burger and fries! I told her that I have always craving for burgers and fries.

"This is perfect!" I said.

She just laughed at the mere sound of my own. She always smiled or laughed when I did.

"I'm happy you like it." She said smiling.

It has been a long time since I have felt this happy. Fully in content. Living in the bliss. Chaeyoung leaned in and I leaned too and reaching one of those knee weakening, mind spinning, breath taking kisses. God! I'm so in love with this girl. Now, we were back at my house standing in the door way wrapped in each other's arms.

"Tonight was perfect! Thank you." I said to her.

Chaeyoung was swaying me gently from side to side. Her fingers ran lazily through my hair sending a delicious shivers down to my body.

"You were perfect. You are perfect. Thank you for today." She said smiled.

"Hmm, tomorrow my house? I have something to show you." She said.

"Yup. Jeongin would go to his friend house. So, I will drop him first then come by." I said hold on her arms tightly.

I don't want to let her go. I don't want today came to the end. I sigh. Then, she pressed her lips to my forehead.

"As much I don't want today to be end, I have to let you go for today. I will miss you until tomorrow. Sleep tight." She said hugging me tightly.

"And I will miss you until tomorrow." I said breathed in her scent, perfume, cologne, soap and strawberry.

Then, I notice I still have her gloves and jacket as we went to walk before.

"Wait, let me give your jacket and gloves back." I pulled back to take it off when Chaeyoung pulled me closer.

"Keep it. I bet it look good on you. And I want you to have something of mine." She said.

Aww, said my heart. The moment I stepped inside, two pairs of eyes gawked at me with wagging eyebrows.

"Sit. Spill. Details. All! No skip at all." Aunt Mina said patting the empty space on the couch between her and Jeongin.

I blushed, giggled, and sat where she pointed swallowed by sheer happiness.

Chaeyoung POV

My life has never been this sweeter or more complete, not even when I had my sight. I was never felt this way. She's make my life complete. Everything about her make me felt myself. I like everything about her. The song of her voice. The ring of her laughed. The softness of her skin. The tender kisses of her lips and what her did to my poor heart. No one have ever invaded my mind the way Sana did. Like she always said to me 'No Sana, No Life'. Hell yess! She's now my life. I sighed deeply in tranquility. I turned my phone on.

"Time?" I asked for the third times.

"The time now is 3.57 pm." The mechanical voice answer my question.

Sana was late. And she never late or if she didn't call like she usually did to tell me that she was going to be late. I dialled her number again, it was ringing but she didn't pick up. Maybe she didn't hear it. I tried to convince my restless soul. Or maybe she had her phone on silent mode. I started to stalk back and forth as I dialled her number again and waiting impatiently to hear her voice.

"Pick up.. pick up. Please, pick up." I said through the phone.

But, nothing. Its rang until it disconnected. Did something happened? My chest instantly clinched at the thought. I shook the idea out from my head as soon as it sparked. I refused to allow myself to go there just yet. I just hope everything is fine. She's fine. How else I could reach Sana? The gears in my brain turned rapidly. Of course! Aunt Mina and Jeongin! And stupidly. I didn't have their number. Stupid Chaeyoung! Disappointment settled in for a second before it got chased away with a spark of hope. Aunt Jeongie! She has aunt Mina number! I dialled aunt Jeongyeon's number right away. She was out of town these day on my behalf for something I have her to do. Aannddd it went to voicemail. Arghh!! What other number did I have? Nothing! Idiot Chaeyoung!

"Sana." The caller ID in my phone blurted.

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