Chapter 38

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Sana POV

When we finally stopped Chaeyoung pulled a chair from her desk and set it close to where I sat on her bed. We sat in silently in a peaceful moment. I looked around and my thought landing on the another door that I found earlier. I wanted to asked her, but I'm scared if there's something she don't want me to know about that room. Then, my eyes landing on the picture again before traveling to the rest of her room. A book on the night stand caught my eye and I twisted garbing it.

"Always? Did you read this?" I asked.

Two gold strings peaked from the top of the book. I followed them curiously to find where they were coming from. Flipping open the pages to where the strings were hanging and my heart ached. It was a book marker.

"I was reading it before the accident." Chaeyoung's voice was light but her face told another story.

The book marked was set close towards the middle. Almost half the book. She never got to finish it.

"Hmm, how about we read it together?" I suggest to her.

When Chaeyoung didn't answer for a long moment, I got worried. I might overstepped. My brain started to work on a proper apologised.

"I like listening to your voice when you read." She said.

A lazy smile broke through her face. Warmth invaded my body from head to toe. Thank god! Then, a question popped out and played in my mind as I started at the pictures again.

"Can I asked you something? But, please don't be angry with me." I said.

Chaeyoung placed her elbows on her thighs bringing herself closer, and her hands clasped.

"Hmm, okay. Shoot." She replied.

"Hmm, what do you miss doing? I mean, doing from before the accident?" I asked as I bit my lips carefully picking my words.

She breathed heavily and leaning back with a scoff.

"I miss a lot of things." She replied.

I leaned closer and moved a bit sitting on the edge of her bed trying to catching every expression.

"Tell me one thing." I said.

Her head dropped a little and her brow furrowed in deep thinking. She's looking cute right now. Behave Sana..

"There's a lot. But if I had to choose, I will choose running." She after a long deep thought.

I would have never guess. I thought first thing she want to do it is drawing or dance. I turned my head to the mini treadmill on her corner room.

"Running?" I asked for sure.

"Yup, running." She nodded.

"Outside. In the sun and wind and dirt. And free." She added with slightly smile.

The way Chaeyoung was describing it, she sounded like she was living the outdoors and run right now. My heart flutter seeing her like this.

"Then, why don't we?" I asked.

She snapped out of her thoughts and titled her head a bit in confused.

"Why don't we what?" She asked.

"Run." I said simply.

"And how exactly do you suggest we do that Miss Minatozaki Sana? You are not planning on dragging the treadmill on the garden are you?" She asked patiently.

"No silly. We going to outdoors. On the track field." I laughed getting excited at the idea.

"Just leave it to me. But, we are still doing this even if it sounded silly okay?" I said but more like a warned her.

She look skeptical. I reached out and cupped her hand with mine. Her finger is closing over like they always did.

"Listen. Lets give it a try. And find out how it works. I don't know if this might be works, but I'm sure we can make it happen. Believe in yourself and believe me." I said then I jumped on to the next point before she could reject.

"I will come over... lets say 5 am. So, you better be up and ready with your running shoes on!" I said.

I could see her working a refusal to my suggestion. But then, she sighed. She shook her head.

"Why do I'm thinking I'm going to regret this? Aren't I?" She said.

"Without a doubt." I agreed.

She laughed and give me a single nod.

"I will be ready." She said.

"This is going to be fun." I said excited.

I clapped in excitement. Then my two seconds of excitement vanished as another thought kicked in.

"Wait! Do you think your parents will be mind if I kidnapped you that early in the morning? Shoot! I forget about them. What if they didn't like my idea." I said.

Well, I like and love her parents. But, I don't want to be a pain. Besides, this is their only daughter. They must be worried.

"I don't think so. They might pay you a fine amount to keep me with you." She said smiled showing those dimple.

I laughed.

"Don't worry. They both adore you a lot. So, I don't think they will ever say no to you." She assuring me.

"Awesome! So, prepare yourself for tomorrow. We are going to have so much fun. Yeay!" I said grinning.

Chaeyoung POV

Running with Sana was an absolute bliss. To feel the crisp air on my face and to breathe the sea scented morning air was better than I remembered. Getting rid of every excuse to not do it and to have my feet hit on the ground pace after pace after pace after such a long time was mind freeing. I hadn't realised how much I missed running. Even though before I hated running, but this is the first thing that I though when Sana asked the question. I missed the ache and strain of the muscles. Getting sweaty and hardly being able to catch my breath. The feeling my heart rate accelerating. To feel the rush of adrenaline. God! How I much I missed this.

It took us a while to find the way to make this work or at least to stop me from bumping into Sana or accidentally tackling her. We stumbled a countless number of times and we fell an extra handful of times, which turned out to be my favourite part. The first time we fell, an ugly feeling humiliation and irritation swallowed me and ate me from the inside. My thought running wild with negative thought. There was a reason why blind people didn't run outdoors and this was one of them. Just as I was about to tell her to give up on the whole thing and just drop me home, that was when her arms rounded my shoulders and the softness of her lips caressed me. Sweetly and gently making my head spin and my heart race. I could no longer remember what I was about to said.

After that, I tackled her a couple more times on purpose. I had a feeling that she actually knew my intentions but yet, she would laugh, hugs me and she would still kiss me. In all the times we reached the ground I managed not to fall on top of her or at least not completely squish her underneath me. When we finally synchronised our step without incidents, there were moments where I got carried away and picked up a faster pace. The cord that we had circling my wrist connected to hers reminded me to slow down. Not that she needed me to. Sana was perfect. Whenever I picked up the pace she did too. At some point, she would challenge me and call me names teasing me. That's when I decided that I deserved the sweet results of an additional tackle.

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