Chapter 9

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Chaeyoung POV

Its been a long time since I had lunch with the others. I usually eat alone or just stayed in class. Well, I prefer that way as I don't like being around the others. But, now with this new one addition in to our school I was never alone again. No matter how many time I said 'No' she won't budge. Seemed like that word wasn't registered in her vocabulary. There's once, I refused to go for lunch and no matter what she said and no to remind you, she said a lot, I would just sat there a held my ground. I'm refusing to be dragged again. She, stupidly and stubbornness refused to go too.


"You either come with me or I would stay too." She declared and perfectly ignore my annoyance.

"Then, I guess you will stay."  I bit to her.

I could used 'Nayeon would having a lunch alone' as an excuse to get her off my back but knowing today was Wednesday, and Nayeon had an extra credit art class she was doing. Talking about art, I missed doing that. I sighed. By the fifth period there was a low grumble.

"Was that your stomach?" I said with all the mean to embarrassing her just for the mere fact that her stubbornness put her in this situation.

"Well, since your awfulness refused to move, you are stuck with the band." She bit back.

But, she didn't sound harsh or mad but there's a smile in there. This girl really stubborn. I sighed and shake my head. There was a twinge in my chest every time I heard the low rumble. Its can be guilt that I'm feeling right? I sigh again. But, its not my fault. I didn't even stop her from going. She the one choose to stay with her own free will. Then, why do I have this awful feeling boring into my soul that I did something horrible? God! I swear I never met anyone this stubborn in my life. She's driving me crazy. Well, sort of. And because of her, I attended all lunch breaks after that. Argh!

End of flashback

But because of her stubbornness, I started to look forward for our lunch break. Strange how those little thing start to grow on me. Even though we were classmate and she was mostly my partner, but lunch was something different. Sana never gave my pride a chance. She seemed always managed to burst my bubble. More over, lunch wasn't the only thing that growing on me. The chirp of her voice when she said 'good morning' or 'catch you later' also left something to me. The mellow tone of her voice and the sound she laugh. There is something you know. And I'm not even talk about her perfume yet. The smell of her perfume or scent always make me feel calm and that smell is belonged to no one but her.

Even though I memorised our lunch spot like the back of my hand by now, I just her soft touch of her hand on my arm every time we walked there or to one of our joined classes. She talk a lot about her brother Jeongin that make me wanted to meet him. She said he also studied in our school but they didn't came across for each other on the school. I also learned that she was allergic to any types of seafood like fish, shellfish, or anything that comes out of water. And strangely she allergic to eggplants too. More weird, I stopped eating any of those. Why? I don't even know why is it.

And Nayeon. She wasn't bad either. She so sweet as she always brought us something with her from cafeteria. But, she also loud and crazy. I think she being comfortable with me. Her funny stories never ended. She made Sana laugh and was a good friend to her and me. I also slowly started to warm up to the idea of being around her. Now, we just finished biology class when Sana asked me.

"Do you mind if another person joined our lunch group?" Sana asked.

She caught me in one of my grumpy mood and I wasn't concentrating.

"What?" I said.

She took a deep breath and cleared her throat before she continued. Maybe it was her brother?

"Here it goes. Nayeon has a huge crush on this guy who's in her extra credit class. So, she asked me to asked you, if it was okay with you if she asked him to join us during lunch. This is me asking you if Your Awfulness would, hmm, grant your blessing in the matter." She said heaved a breath.

Well, I knew most of student in this school. We hadn't any recent new students beside Sana and her brother, I assumed. None of the student seem, Nayeon material.

"That was a lot of asking. Who?" I finally asked when I can't think of anyone.

Her voice carried a smile. "Minho."

That was a surprised.

"Minho?" I said.

"Yup." She chirp.

Then she continue slowly when I didn't respond.

"So, what do you think? Does two love birds have your blessing, oh Mighty Lord of Evil and Despair?" She said.

I sigh. How could I said no to that? Especially when she used my full name. I shrugged.

"Whatever, drama queen. Even I said no, you would do it anyway." I said messing with her.

"Oh Your Awfulness. We thank you for granting them your blessings." A light laugh coloured her voice. I liked that.

"Nayeon is going to be so happy." She said with excitement.

"Be nice to Minho this time. He's shy." She warned.

I scoffed and whatever. Nayeon was definitely happy. She ran off to invite Minho and just like that, I went from one person, to two, then three and now we were four. As Minho having lunch with us, his first lunch experience was completely disaster. His best friend, stutter was never leave him alone. He was so nervous and nearly chocked twice in one meal. Other than the actual time her chocked for real and needed a couple of smacks on his back from Sana. This boy really needed hell a lot of instruction on how to talk to girl. Or, for starter he could get a book 'how to talk to the girl for dummies' if there was one.

Sana POV

I felt like I was getting close to Chaeyoung. Well, that what I'm thinking or maybe she gave up trying to send me away. But, however I'm fine with it. We held our casual small talk every once in a while. She didn't talk much about herself and I didn't push it. I also didn't told her a fact about my parent. I still couldn't talk about that and it broke my heart every time it came across my mind. Not that I would ever forget it happened. All I knew about Chaeyoung, I heard from others.

Nayeon blabbed once that she was great with art before losing her sight in an accident. She was one of the popular student. Well, still is. Everyone knew her. Some girls turn gay for her and still have the hots for her. Even guys, want to be with her as she is beautiful. Even I couldn't see her full features face, I knew she's beautiful. I wouldn't blame them though. Even I got butterflies every time I saw her. Did I told you guys, that I'm gay? No? So, now you know that I'm a gay. And what a coincidence, as Nayeon also inform me that Chaeyoung also is a gay. So, no wonder girl have a hot thing for her. Well, she's hot. And I'm not gonna lied about that. Believe me.

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