Chapter 37

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Sana POV

Once we left the hall where the party was held, Chaeyoung's strides were long and fast. I had to hurry just to keep up with her. Damn, this small girl is fast. Her arm closed trapping my hand between arm and torso. Her jaw set roughly, her skin pulled tight as muscle pulsed on the side of her face and her body tensed. I could feel her getting restless during the party. I knew she wasn't comfortable when it came to crowds and noises. But, she's the one who invited me anyway. I was deeply moved when she came searching for me to warn me about the seafood. I didn't think she would remember something as silly as food allergies.

But then again, its Chaeyoung we talking about. Chaeyoung would never forgot anything we talked about. Yet, I couldn't relate it to her sudden change. She was fine when I left her before. It can't be just because of the snack bar. We climbed upstairs then walked down a hall before stopping in front of a white door. Chaeyoung walked without hesitation. Every step that touched the floors was counted and confidant. She threw open the door pulling me inside her only then she released my hand.

"Did you touched anything? Shook hands with anyone?" Chaeyoung asked with urgency.

"Do you need to wash your hands?" She asked.

She took me by surprise having me tracing me steps since her mom had the caterers re-set the snack bar.

"I don't think so." I replied.

"Good. Give me a minute." She finally sighed and said.

Then, she strode away disappearing through the other door. What happen to her? I just stared in confusion at the closed door that had just swallowed her. A faint gush of running water seeped through a moment later. I turned slowly and started to look around. My confusion towards Chaeyoung's urgency was replaced with something else. My heart thumbed in my chest. Shoot! I'm in Chaeyoung's room.

Her room room is simple. Nothing much on her room. I don't know if her room always like this or just turn like this when she become blind. I walk around her room. Not seeing anything interested until I turn into the side of her room. There's a empty corridor that lead to another room. I wonder what's in there. But, I don't want to go further scared Chaeyoung would be mad if I do so. So, I'm going back to looking at her tabled. There's a picture capture my interested. Her picture with Yugyeom, I guess looking at the features. They look so cute when their are kids. Then, I moved from one picture to another. Some made me laugh, some made me sad. How she looked so happy back then. My heart fluttered every time my eyes fell on her. This was her. The carefree, happy and smiling her.

I moved to the set of shelves stacked with books. Encyclopaedias, dictionaries, art book, and novels all nicely organised. I ran through the tittles, and smiled every time I saw that we had a same book. Some even the same copy. Then I ran my fingers over the guitar strings that hung on the wall. I imagined Chaeyoung playing it. I bet she was awesome. Then, the piano. She's an artis. The bathroom door opened.

"You play guitar and piano?" I asked.

"Used to." Chaeyoung replied leaned against the door frame.

Shoot! She looks dangerously handsome and beautiful and hot without her shades. I don't know how to describe her as she's everything. She already changes her outfit. And god! Did she just planning to kill me or what? Her outfit right now is dangerously to me. I gulp seeing her as she walk closer to me. My knees felt like jelly. I swear she's will be the reason my death.

Chaeyoung's outfit

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Chaeyoung's outfit

"You're staring." She said suddenly taking me off guard.

"Busted." I admitted feeling my cheeks burn.

One end of her lips visibly twitched as she held back a smile. I don't know how she do it, but now she's standing in front of me looking damn hot. She's taking all my breath just been looking at her. The fresh smell of minty toothpaste and soap filled the air around her.

"Did you just-." I started to asked.

"Yeah! I had a few of those seafood bites." She said as she features twisted.

"I washed my hands and my face a few times, brushed my teeth and gargled then chugged like half of bottle of mouthwash." She added.

"I didn't know what they were until I ate a few." She then continued sound apologetically.

"Is that why you wouldn't hold my hand?" I asked understanding played with my heart strings.

"Is there anything else I could do? I don't want anything happen to you as I'm scared if you were hurt because of me." She said turning her face away.

My head titled as I studied her worried features. Could this girl be more amazing that this? My heart quivered in my chest sending ripples throughout my whole body. I stepped closer turning her face towards me. I lean closer as I pressed my lips to her. Chaeyoung hands held me by the waist as she pulled away. An uneasy expression colouring her features.

"Its fine Chaeyoung. Its really fine." My voice a mere whisper and I gently pulling her closer to me.

Still being skeptical she didn't move for a moment but then she meeting me halfway. Her lips warm and firm against mine. What once started as light and sweet turned to urgent and sweeter. Minty sweet. Her hand slowly locked behind me bringing me closer to warmth of her body. As both of us wants to keep savour each other lips, both of us decided to stop for breathing. Both of us were panting heavily. Chaeyoung's arms were still locked behind me from side to side. A happy smile lit her face. I stared into her eyes that haunted me more now than before and contempt sigh escaped me. Chaeyoung's smile widened showing her dimples. Double sigh! Again the feeling of her looking at me struck, having my face turn red and I busied myself with looking around. My eyes then fell on something familiar on her side bed.

"Hey, is that my.." I slipped out of Chaeyoung's arms and took a closer look.

"Omg, isn't my diary and Mr. Fuzzyhop? Why do you have this?" I asked.

"Mr. Who?" Chaeyoung brow knotted in confusion.

"Mr. Fuzzyhop!" I said picked up the diary and the pen I have lost on the first day I started school and placed it in her hand.

Chaeyoung's finger worked the shape. Seeing her features turn from confusion to recognition and then to guilt that she got busted was hilarious.

"Well.. hmm-." She started then paused like searching for words to say.

"You ruined my shirt!" She said.

I wasn't a bit angry or mad that he held it the whole time. Nonetheless, I would surely enjoy this.

"So, you steal my diary and my pen?" I fought back the laugh bubble forming in my chest.

"It was my favourite shirt." She said.

"Now, this is mine." She heard me approaching and hid the diary and pen behind her.

This was too much. I can't control it anymore. I broke in laughs.

"Oh... my... God... just keep it! Keep!" I sat on her bed as my legs failed to hold me up. Chaeyoung broke down too.

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