Chapter 14

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Chaeyoung POV

"Good morning." I replied.

After long thought last night, mentally I was preparing an apologies and it was ready to pour out of me. I replayed the words in my head over and over. I even arranged the words in a way that I won't sound as self conscious as I was. I hid my doubts about trusting others. Doubts that I might be a choice instead of a pity selection. A friends, as she said. I opened my mouth to spill my well rehearsed apology but no words came out. I'm not used to apologising. Not this sort of apology when it was all on me. I never put myself in a situation that had guilty eating me up where it was entirely my fault like this moment. By the time I had the audacity to talk, class has started and the low scratches coming from my right side indicated that Sana was busy taking notes. I kept my mouth shut losing my chances by the minutes.

"Hey, Chaeyoung." Her voice snapped my attention back in place.

My head moved in her direction. The usual smile filled her words.

"Aren't you coming to lunch?" She asked.

I was completely drowned in my thoughts that I didn't hear the bell ring. Pushing off my chair standing up, I wasn't sure if she hated me to the point she didn't want to walk with me or not. So, I waited for her move with a rapid beating in my chest. Soft fingers touched my arm and the madness inside me hushed as we made our way through the half crowded halls.

"I'm sorry that surgery didn't work out." She said.

After a while in a low voice that only I could hear. She always getting me out off guard. Her words held a genuine heartfelt compassion.

How does she do that? I was the one who stated the fight. I was the one had Momo venomous words messing up with my brain. I was the one who accused her of being all friendly with Yugyeom and hinted they plan and laughing behind my back. She looked over all that to the part that mattered. How could someone be this vivid. I shrugged.

"I guess once blind will always blind. In my case at least." I said.

Not wanting to dwell more on my failed operation I change the topic.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted yesterday. I just-." Someone cuts me off.

"There you two are. We have been wanting for you guys." Nayeon cheerful interrupt, stopped my words.

As I estimated by Nayeon and Minho voices, they are getting closer to us. I leaned in a bit to Sana.

"We will talk later." I said.

Then, she squeezed my arm lightly. We started talking about our upcoming text. I never got the chance to finish what I was trying to said to Sana. There was never the good time to do it. Either talking to others, classes starting or she was taking notes. I just sigh. Then, Mrs. Park gather our attention.

"Please pass those paper slips before you leave." I heard Mrs. Park voice close to us.

"Everyone make sure you have one." She said.

There was a rattle around me as papers being passed around.

"Now, as you can see it in those slip in front of you. Go home and asked your parents to sign this." She described as I touched the table in front of me. Sana set one next to my hand.

"Oh shit!" I heard Sana mumble next to me. But in low tone.

"Its a flu vaccination. Just like we do every year. Don't forget because this will only be available until coming Thursday. When you go home today, get the sign and bring it back to get your vaccination." Mrs. Park explained to us.

"Oh God.. shit." Again Sana mumble under her breath.

After the final bell stopped ringing and the noises around us start to grow quieter and more distant. I finally have courage to asked Sana.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. Who said something was wrong?" She laugh nervously and said.

I could hear whoosh-whoosh sound of her bag as she collected her stuff sliding them in.

"Got to go now. Catch you later." She said.

I stopped a concern frown from appearing on my face and I just nodded a goodbye at her. I didn't even sure if she looked at my way or not. But then, I heard she said.

"Bye." She said it back.

She is looking at me. I just smile slightly. Something was up with this girl and the following few days were a prove. I thought after the weekend things will be back to normal but things seemed to get weirder and that drove me crazy. I keep asking her if there something wrong. But she would said nothing and change the subject. Then, I just let it be as I don't want to push her.

"Sana dear, did you sign the vaccination slip that I gave you?" Mrs. Park asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot about it." She replied as she shifted beside me.

The same answer she gave yesterday. What's wrong with this girl?

"Tomorrow is the last day dear. If you didn't get your vaccination by tomorrow, then you have to get it at the hospital. So, please don't forget it tomorrow okay?" Mrs. Park said patiently.

That's really weird. Sana is not the type someone who forget something stupid like this. She's a smart girl. For the past days I was wondering if it was something that I have said or done. Or was it because of that fight that I never got to apologise. But I thought things were good between is. This really drove me crazy. I was getting worked up with every thought. Horridly infuriated by the second and just as soon as everything blew out of proportion. It drowned on me in one massive, impossible to ignore fact that I tried to bury over and over, that I cared. I cared for her.

For the past few days I kept up with her being errant all the time. The less than usual talk. The nervous movement that was traveling through our joined desks as if she was shaking foot side to side or rapidly shaking her pen left turn right. And today I had enough! We waited until everyone left for their lunch break and then she asked me.

"Ready to go?" She asked but her voice grew little distant as she stood up.

"No!" I announce.

"I'm not going anywhere and either are you." I said.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she sounded closer like she sat back down.

"You, what's wrong?" I was trying my best to keep tight grip on my frustration. But my voice was louder than I intended to.

"You're constantly off of minded. You're always quiet and speak only when asked. Sometimes or even twice cause you're in your own zone. For these past days you're acting weird and you're not being yourself as usual. This is not you. So, I want to know what's going on?" I said.

My breathing was heavy and I didn't care about hiding any facial expression. And then I asked question that was worrying me the most and eating me up.

"Did I said or do anything to hurt or offended you?" I finally asked.

"Oh my god, Chaeyoung. Of course not!" She said as her hands gripped mine tightly. There wasn't a hint of uncertainly in her voice but I still doubted.

"Then, what's going on here Sana? You can tell me you know." I insisted.

Random ideas came up to my mind.

-Lately I was trying to learn Kalimba. Does anyone play kalimba here? Btw, I'm excited for Twice english single. I can't wait. But, I also hope they would stay healthy. -

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