Chapter 6

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Chaeyoung POV

Here I am, waited. I sat at my desk and waited. I waited with every passing minute my outrage and frustration increased. I didn't have a plan how to approach her. It bothered me and I felt like I needed to explain my action, if not somehow apologise. That annoying feeling that I should said 'I'm sorry' bugged me.


"So, how school?" Aunt Jeonyeon asked as soon as I enter the car.

I just growled.

"What happened with that growl?" She laugh.

"Someone mess with you or you mess with someone? But, wait! Who dares to mess with you?" She asked curiously.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said.

"And what's that?" She asked. I don't what she mean by that?

"Speak aunt Jeongie! Speak! I'm blind!" I said a bit harsh.

"Wow, easy tiger. I think you have to learn to manage you temper you know. If someone doesn't know you, they might think you're rude." She said chuckle.

"Am I?" I asked.

"You what?" She didn't understand my question.

"Am I... rude?" I asked again.

"Sometimes. That's why I told you to learn to manage you temper. You know its been 3 years, since that happened. I know, its hard to accept that. But, its never hurt if you to learn to accept what happened and try to make it better. We, together find the way to make it better. You can't keep pushing everyone. I know you, Chaengie. And I miss the old you. Not this expressionless, rude and temper girl." Aunt Jeongie said.

She right. Its been 3 years. Even I don't even know myself anymore. I just keep silence.

End of flashback

After that, I keep thinking about myself and that new girl. Maybe she were right about me being rude and jerk. And that's why its bother me so much. Hearing the other walk in and take their places had me anticipating her walking in any minute. I kept an ear on the entrance, tried to listening to what seemed like the last person walking in. I sigh. Maybe she's not coming today or maybe she asked to change classes. Or maybe she already walked in and then saw me 'the jerk' one and just turned around and left. My mood was getting more darker with every thought. No one ever mess with my mind other than she did. And every passed minute, the reason made me attend today seemed to get smaller and more stupid. As I lost my hope and felt stupid, I smell the scent that I waiting for. The floral and fruit smell filled my lungs and making me calm.

"Hmm, hi." A soft voice said close to me.

"Hi..." I said in strict voice and that's the only I was said.

"Relax! I moved my bag to under the table." She said.

I didn't even realise that my body stiffened and my jaw clenched tightly as I feel she was too closer to me. I couldn't even know if she was joking or not.

"God! You have a girl tripping over your bag once and she holds it against you. Jeez!" She continued.

See? I still didn't know is she was joking or not. I hadn't figured out her vocal expression yet. Denying words started to form in my head and come out of my mouth. There was the small giggle that stopped me. So, she was joking. Hearing her small giggle make me eased a little. I must looked as stiff as a board. My shoulder relaxed a bit and my jaw lightened the pressure. I felt that one side of my mouth twitching because of the pressure before. Woah, why so tense Son Chaeyoung? Oh, because you feel guilty and know you're wrong.

I just listening to the regular sound around me like desk and chair being pulled and pushed, non-stop chatter with some were loud and noisy, heavy bag loaded with book dropping on the floor with loud thuds. The classes was loud as usual. Then, there was the constant tap.. tap.. tap that caught my attention. The new girl was taping her pen to the table and I started to tensed up too.

"Sit somewhere else if you don't want to sit here!" I said.

There's hidden accusation in my words. Its more like an order. Actually, I barked at her. For some reason, I was infuriated. Just a minute ago, she cracked a joke about me being uptight and I took that as a good sign. But now, I wasn't only blind but I felt stupid too.

"Hey!" She exclaimed.

"You." She paused.

"Change your place if you don't want to sit here. Because I'm comfortable where I am." She said.

Woah. I have to admit and for the second time, that caught me off guard. I can't believe.

"And I'm sorry that I called you a jerk" she mumbled in a lower tone.

"What?" I said.

Woah. Did she just apologise to me? I heard her perfectly the first time but I wanted to hear it again. She cleared her throat and repeated in perfectly clear voice and she even pressing every word a little bit.

"I said, I'm sorry for calling you a jerk." She said.

I was about to say something when she continued.

"Well, even though you were and totally deserve it but however I still shouldn't have talked to you like that and for that I'm sorry." She finished her words.

Again, she caught me off guard. I was speechless. I actually open my mouth and closed it a couple of times. I tried to think a words but nothing came out. Usually, people let my dark moods pass without judgement. Even in my worst moment which happened a lot as she addressed me 'a jerk', people usually made an excuses for me. They just let my rudeness slide. And that only added to my frustration and I become obnoxious person, yet they still let it go. But, she's not.

"Settle down.." Mrs. Park voice bounced off the walls.

I was still in the haze of the honest statement that this new girl threw in my face that I didn't hear Mrs. Park come in. And she obviously wasn't the one of those who enters silently.

"Everyone take your seat." She raising her voice.

Then, scratches and screeches of desk and chairs being moved. I took advantages of the noises surrounding me and mumbled.

"You have a unique way of apologising." I said.

"Well, you better get used to it. I call it as I see it." She announced.

I don't know how but I knew she was smiling when she spoke. I could even hear the smile on her voice and I can't even start to describe how refreshing that was. Usually talking to me, I could only heard sounds of sympathy, hesitation, remorse, alarm or discomfort among other stuff that shouldn't be in regular conversation. That was the only thing I heard when people talked to me. They tried or would try to mask it up but they never realised how obvious it sounded.

"Sana, dear." I heard Mrs. Park close to us.

"How are you catching up with your classes?" She asked.

"Good. I still working in them. Copying all the notes Minho gave me." She said.

I can almost imagine Minho's face turning red especially when one of the student yelled.

"Good job Minho!" Some kids chuckled.

"Keep the good work." She ignored them and encouraged.

There was the regular mumble from the other students. Mrs. Park carried on with her lesson and shushing them every once in a while but there was no sound from her. The only thing that told me she was was still here is when I caught a breath of her perfume. The scent of her.

- god! Its scared me that I can't access to my account this morning. I don't even have a backup for all my works! That's scared me 😩 -

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