Chapter 33

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Chaeyoung POV

I could felt Sana's hand touched my arms silently. She leaning back on my shoulder and caress my arm up and down. I smiled a little and shrugged.

"I was in a coma for twenty-five days and stayed at hospital for forty-seven days. I had a concussion, fractured skull broken clavicle, four ribs, one arm, three fractured in one leg, punctured lung, ruptured spleen. What else, haa, and of course blind. I went through months of physiotherapy. The doctors tried to schedule me for therapy as well but I never went. Days went by and here we are." I said and take a deep breath.

I tried to make it light for her to hear. Trained my feature to carelessness in the hopes that she won't see some loser who lost everything. The scholarship. The planned future. The bad choice of girlfriend. And the brother of a best friend. I kept the bitterness of it all to myself. But again, this is Sana and she saw right through me. I might not see her but feeling her and hearing her was in volumes.

"I'm sorry that you went through all that." She whispered in a heavy voice.

Her hand gently moved over my heart in a tender stroke causing it to stumble over its own beats. It felt like serene, tender caress straight to the heart. My whole body pulsed with alleviation. Covering her hand with mine, I lifted it up and pressed my lips against the softness of her palm. I might have imagine her hand trembling a little in mine. We had a moment of silence that was filled with unspoken words. I could sense that she wanted to talk but she hesitated. The short inhale that she did before speaking then the long exhale repeated a few times. She was getting unmistakably restless.

"What's on your mind?" I asked when she didn't said anything for a long time.

She moved off of me leaving me feeling deserted and suddenly alone even though her voice came from right in front of me. Her voice sounded different, filled with anguish and sorrow that sliced through me.

"Hmm.. About.. my parents.." She finally said.

She was about to do what I have done and share the details of the most horrible in her life. It didn't settle well with me. Not like this. I wanted to reach out and fold her back closer to me. What hurts her, will breaks me. What saddens her, flips my day to dark and murky.

"Listen.." I held out my hand and waited until I felt her palms against mine.

Closing my fingers tightly around it and gently rubbing the skin under my thumb. I tried to speak through our joined hands since I wasn't able to express with a simple eye contact, I shook my head.

"You don't have to." I said.

"Bu-but, you have just-." Her voice was torn and I cut her.

"And you will. When you're ready and that's not today. Maybe not even tomorrow and that's okay. Sana, and if you don't want to tell me at all, its okay with me." I smiled little.

"I just want you to know that whenever you need me, I will be there. I promise." A promise I will keep for eternity.

"Thank you, Chaeyoung." The smile was back in her voice.

"Actually I should thank you because you're still talking to me." I rubbed the back of neck trying to release some of the tension.

"So, are we good?" I asked.

"Yup. That what friends would do." She reminded me.

"Hmm." I moved our joined hands slowly.

Taking time to entwine our fingers despite my rushing heartbeat. My senses heightened sensing her every move. Her slender fingers slowly sliding down the space between mine just perfectly. The softness of her skin against mine. The rhythm of her breathing. Suddenly, I was nervous.

"Yeah, about that.. hmm, well.. What I want to say is that... I like you... Like a lot. I-I want to be more than just your friend, Sana. I-I want to be your girlfriend." I closer my hand over hers.

I waiting for her answer. My heart and lungs and everything else stopped with anticipation. I nearly followed on gramps footsteps and had a heart attack myself. I felt slight movement but she said nothing.

"Hmm, Sana.. a blind person here. You have to say somethi-." She cuts me.

She cuts my sentences as she yanked her hand away from mine and I could feel my heart sinking with that. But, what happened next was the most stunning and fascinating thing that could fever happen. My hand shot behind me slapping the ground in urgency as Sana's body pushed against mine. Bracing us both from tumbling. Her arms wrapped around neck in an embrace and her lips met mine tenderly. Surprising me and shocking me from head to toe. I froze, my brain went blank, my heart stopped, my breathing cut and all systems shut down for moment before rebooting to full capacity.

My arms finally closed around her tightly. Bringing her closer to me. Kissing her back. In madly, possessive and tenderly. It felt nothing else seemed to exist in this world. Only us. How could someone's lips feel so incredibly soft yet drives you to the brink of madness at the same time. And oh my god! My poor heart. Now, I might have a heart attack for sure. As we both lacking oxygen, we pulled apart, resting my forehead to her's as my lungs recollect their duties. Nothing felt more victorious than this. I smiled ear to ear still panting hard not believing what just happening.

"I will take that as a yes." The words got caught between breathing and laughing.

She giggled in my arms.

"And I like you too. Like a lot." She said.

I laughed.

"Hey, can I ask something?" I asked after a while, hesitantly.

"Anything." She said as she smiled.

"Hmm, can I touch your face?" I asked.

"Touch my face?" She seemed confused and added more knots to my nerve system.

"I don't know how you look." I swallowed hard.

I always failed imagine how she looked. The shape of her face, her eyes, her nose, and those lips that set me on fore just now. I have a background image of every person in my life. All the people that I have known before the accident. But, not Sana. She was a mystery to me. The low rustle of her clothes as she moved told me that she was sitting right in front of me. Then, its confirmed by two points where her knees touch my leg.

"On one condition." She said.

"Name it." I was eager to set her picture in my mind.

"Will you take off the shades?" Now she hesitated.

"No!" My hand shot to my face securing them in place and I felt her flinched at my strong reaction.

"I'm sorry." I apologised.

I never took the shades off after the accident. Not even at home. Just when I when to sleep and putting them as soon as I wake up. After the accident I had cuts and bruises all over. I could feel the roughness and rigid edges of healed skin after they took off the bandages. Cuts healed, but I didn't know how messed up things were underneath those shades. What if she didn't like what she saw?

"I'm sorry. Just, I'm not used taking them off." I tried to smooth things out.

I just make through the first possible proposal rejection when I asked to be her girlfriend. Now, I was practically preparing myself for a second more likely one.

"What's worrying you Chaeyoung?" She asked holding my hand.

I take deep breath and exhale.

"You. What might be behind those shades? What if you didn't like it what you see behind this shades?" I spilled without thinking.

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