Chapter 13

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Sana POV

"NOW! AND CLOSE THE DOOR BEHIND YOU!" Chaeyoung's word broke the silence and made the girls scurry off their seats and out the door closing it with a quick slam.

I thought now that we were alone she would talk but nothing. When her silence stretched I don't have choice to reduced the awkwardness. If she wasn't going to talk, I might as well start.

"Where have you been for the past two days?" I asked.

"None of your business!" She cut me off.

Not in the usual- Nahh! She didn't mean it- be patience Sana. You know how temper and grumpy she is.

"Why are you angry at me?" I asked.

Chaeyoung ignored my question. She was about to say something but then shook her head like she changed her mind and stood to leave. What's wrong with this girl? I stood up too, right in front of her.

"Hey! Talk to me!" I said.

"Get out of my way, Sana!" The warning was unmistakeable in her voice.

Despite my shaking knees and trembling hands my voice stayed strong.

"I'm not moving. Not until you start talking. First, why did you go AWOL all of a sudden?" I asked.

"I told you, none of your busin-." I cut her off.

"Stop being jackass and tell me already!" I raised my voice a bit.

She was silent for a minute but then she bellowed.

"I had eye surgery and it failed as usual. Satisfied now?" She said grind her teeth.

I stared at her with widened eyes. My heart leaped and my lungs froze. I didn't know how to react with that.

"I'm sorry. Why you didn't you tell me?" I said.

My heart broke as the comprehension that followed her words settled in. This is wasn't the first time. Chaeyoung had more than one surgery.

"So? You would do what?" She scoffed sarcastically.

"At least I could been there for you. Wished you good luck or whatever. I don't know." I argued.

"Why huh? Why? Why would you go through the trouble while you have been sneaking around talking to Yugyeom?" She said.

It was like a strike to the stomach. I gawped at her unable to find any works.

Chaeyoung POV

A fresh wave of anger rushed through my veins when she didn't deny it. The poison words that Momo planted in my mind played me very well. I knew I shouldn't trust a words that comes out from Momo, but the possibility of truth was there too. When the silence stretched, I scoffed with disgust and started to leave.

"Wait." Sana voice went sharp as she pulled my arm to stop me.

I turned around with the least will to hear out what she was about to say.

"Why don't you talk to Yugyeom about whatever you want to say? I bet you two have a lot to discuss." I said.

"What Yugyeom and I talked about was that he asked me to talk to you on his behalf." She said.

Her voice was high pitched a little with the anger and disappointment covered her words.

"He wanted me to ask you to forgive him for betraying your trust and-." It was me interrupter her this time.

"Out of the question!" I yelled sharply.

The thought that invaded my brain for the past days blurted out.

"Did you enjoy knowing the inside story from him? Would you like to hear more details or did he tell you everything? Or did you plan being close to me because of this? Or did you guys plan this all time?" My own frustration flared.

"No. I just knew him when he come talk to me. I don't know a thing because I didn't asked him. I didn't know anything about you and Yugyeom. And I thought if I should ever know what happened between you two, it should be from you! Because stupid as I am I thought we were friends. The second time I talked to Yugyeom was because I was worried about your stupid ass when you didn't showed up for school for two days. I was looking for your phone number to check on you!" She said.

There was a smack that burned my shoulder where she punched me. It didn't burn as deep as her words did.

"And that because you didn't tell me about your surgery. Because again, that what friend would do." She said still with her anger tone.

I know I'm small, but now I feel even small. Not just I feel small, stupid, ashamed and antagonist. Yes, yes, yes and yes. A horrible mix of all of those emotions and more pressed heavily on my chest to the point of making it hard to breath. I open my mouth to say something but by the time I was aware of my surrounding as the door slummed and her steps echoed as she walked away. Sana avoided me for the rest of the day. I couldn't blame her. When I tried to talk to her after class, she snapped at me.

"I'm still mad at you." She said.

So, I stopped. By the last bell I was hoping her anger would have lightened up a little but she just left without saying goodbye. Strangely, not hearing her goodbye messed up my mood and the rest of my day.

"Hey, what's up with the sigh and duck face?" Aunt Jeongyeon asked.

"Nothing." I grunt but then again I sigh.

"Weird. Its been a month I didn't see that grumpy girl. Now, why did she come out again?" She mumble.  

I just stay silent ignore her. I'm not in good mood to bickering with her now.

"Oh yeah! There's the girl call me asked about you. She said she was worry about you as you AWOL. Its been a long time I heard someone got worried about you. I know because her voice show worried and sincere. If not mistake, her name is Sana." Aunt Jeongyeon said.

"Huh? And why did you just told me now?" I asked annoyed.

"I was about to told you last night okay. But, you pushed me out as usual. Then, I forget. You know how forgetful I am." She said.

I just growl. She's annoying. Thank god she's my aunt. I sigh.

"So? Who is she? Isn't your new girlfriend? Why don't you introduce her to me? I bet she's beautiful. Well, because you are demanding." She said laughing.

Told you, she's annoying. I just keep silence. Not in mood to talk. What was in my mind is Sana. I laid awake on my bed that night, tossing and turning unable to sleep. I finally did it. I finally pushed her away. Isn't that what I wanted from the beginning. Right? That was I craved. To be left alone. Then, why it didn't feel like a win? Why do I feel like I have lost big time. Her words were still ringing in my head. The anger and disappointment were unmistakeable in her voice and I could still hear it playing in my mind. I sigh. I think I'm lost.

"Good morning." Sana chirped her everyday greeting as she took her seat next to me.

Eh? Did that mean that she wasn't angry at me anymore?

"Good morning." I replied.

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