Chapter 12

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Sana POV

"Finally!" I said as I slam my body to the couch.

"Yeah. Finally. Now, we are officially moved in!" Aunt Mina said do the same as I did.

We just stay there silent peaceful. Then, Jeongin came join us.

"Yippee! Now, I can invite my friend to our house. Its been a month we finally settle this." Jeongin said.

"Oh, yes. You can bring your friends. Oh, speaking of friends. How it is with your friend, Sana? What's her name again? Chaeyoung?" Aunt Mina asked.

"Eh? What with her?" I said.

"So? How she is? Did she now talking much with you?" She asked.

"Oh. Well, what can I say. No one could resist my charm." I said smirk.

"Yeah, right. Everyone at the school talk about you noona. You're the first one could make through with her. My friend told me that she is rich and that's what everyone wants to get close to her. So, be careful noona. I don't want people talk bad about you. But, at the same time I support what are you doing. Just be careful okay." Jeongin said.

Awee, he's so cute. He being protective to his sister. I just ruff his hair and he whine to aunt Mina. This is my family. After we finish settle up with the last box, we get ready to out family time. Aunt Mina decided to bring us out to watch a movie and dinner outside. We make a mini surprised to Jeongin bring him to watch his favourite movie. And he wouldn't stop skipping around us saying 'thank you' and 'I love you' and 'you are the best'. God! He was so easy to pleased. Even now he seem like a big guy to everyone, but to me and aunt Mina, he still our baby.

I also finally finish up copy all the notes that Minho give to me. I give him back the notes. He has been a great friend and tutor helping me catch up on my studies, fixing my notes, highlighting the important parts to memorise. Lots of hard work and time was spent in the library. I think things are looking up with Minho and Nayeon. The sweetest thing was that is Minho had change of attitude. I notice he started to speak confidently and commented in all the right bases. Even cracked a normal jokes that everyone understood instead of those nerdy, brainy ones that took a chart, a board and probably calculator to be explained.

I think Chaeyoung also had to do to this change. I sometimes saw Chaeyoung talk to Minho and once I heard that Chaeyoung teach him how to be confident. How sweet she is. Talking about Chaeyoung, I was waiting for Monday to see her. The mere thought of her gave me butterflies but then the picture of her perfect ex girlfriend came to my mind and it was as if somebody just grabbed a can of insects spray and sprayed the life out of those butterflies. Anyway, I miss bickering with that cub, I guess.

To my disappointment, Chaeyoung was absent for Monday and Tuesday. And that got me worried. When I asked Minho if he knew anything, he just shrugged.

"As I told you before, this is normal with Chaeyoung. She would disappear for some times and then suddenly she show up again." Minho explain.

But, that didn't ease my worried a bit.

"Do you have her phone number? Or do you know if I could get it from the main office?" I asked him.

He just shook his head.

"No, sorry I don't have her number. And I doubt you can get it from the office. You know, personal info and stuff." He said.

I blew out an annoyed breath. But, he was right about the personal info and stuff. I didn't like this. No one goes AWOL for no reason. I raked and twisted my brain for ideas until one popped and I rushed to the hockey field where the school's team practiced. The guys were scattered all over the field doing push ups, sit ups, jogging, jumping jacks, dumbbells, ropes and just about every exercise possible. Pinning the person I was looking for was a challenge. They all looking same for me and I was far. I couldn't see them clearly. What was the number on his jersey? I sought through the memory lane until I found it. Twenty! Yes, Nayeon once told me about that. If only everyone would stop moving.

When I spotted him I tried to flag him down but fail. Luckily, guy beside him notice and as he followed my signals he flagged Yugyeom for me. Yugyeom turned around said something to the other guy and then jogged towards me. I signalled a thank you to fourteen.

"Hey, what's up?" Yugyeom said smiling widely.

He was in the same handsome as the first time I saw him. Even with dirty and sweat shirt.

"Hey, I'm sorry for calling you out like this." I said quickly then went to the point.

"Do you by any chance have Chaeyoung's phone number?" I asked him.

He blinked a few times like he was deciphering the question.

"Oh, hmm. I'm sorry. She changes her number after we fought. I'm sorry. Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Probably nothing. She didn't come to school past two days and I was wondering." I said.

"Oh. She does that sometimes. Ever since the accident she would vanish for a few days and then she back." Yugyeom said.

Minho told me the same thing. Maybe this was normal. I just nodded and smile.

"I see." I said.

"Well, I'm sorry for interrupting your practice." I continued.

"Not at all. Actually I'm glad you did. You worrying about Chaeyoung shows that you're good friend." He said smile.

I just shrugged and excuse myself. Nothing left for me to do but wait. Worry and wait. I sigh.

"Sana! Wait!" Someone called me.

I turn around to see Yugyeom jogged towards me.

"Hmm, I don't know if this can help or not. I have her aunt phone number. But, I don't know if she still used this number or not. At least we can try." He said passed me the piece of paper with number written.

"Oh, thank you Yugyeom." I said.

"Welcome. But, don't worry much. She will come up soon." He said.

The coach yelled Yugyeom name. He looked behind him then back to me.

"Duty calls. If anything you want me to help, just find me okay." Hearing his name being yelled again he starting to retreat.

"See you around!" He said.

Wednesday. Still no sign of Chaeyoung. I gathered my stuff for my next class and started to make my way out. As I stepped into history class Chaeyoung was there and all my neglected butterflies came back.

"Hey, where have you been?" I nearly fell over from rushing to take my seat.

"Hey, what happened? Are you okay?" I asked.

But, she didn't answer me and I stopped asking for a minute studying her. She look different. Held herself up in different way. Her jaw was strained and tight. Slight purplish colour showed on her skin from underneath her dark glasses. Her lips pressed in a thin line. Expressionless as ever. I placed my hand on her arm and her whole body went stiff to the point that made me pull back.

"Chaeyoung, what's wrong?" She didn't answer me.

I sigh. The teacher walked in and started the lesson right away. I didn't hear anything related to what class was about. My mind was wondering wildly about the girl next to me. Why was she acting strange? I took a side way glance at her and my stomach tightened. By the time the class was over my brain was running around in circles. I waited for others to leave. I could see that Chaeyoung had the same idea. Everyone left but there's two girl who talked and giggled loudly with no apparent intentions to walk out anytime soon.

"LEAVE!" Chaeyoung's voice boomed startling all three of us.

The girls were cut mid giggles and stared at her with eyes wide open.

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