Chapter 53

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Sana POV

I went to the master bedroom. The master bedroom was the last on the left. Nine months ago it had this very old paled wallpaper with flowers. The floor tiles yellowed and cracked with age. I swung the door open and peeped inside. Light lilac walls meet me. Could colours smiled? I didn't know why but this room made me happy. Matching ceramic tiles polished to perfection. A door caught my eye. This wasn't here the last time I came! As I opened the door, my jaw dropped and my confusion increased as I remembered the conversation I had with Chaeyoung. I remembered because I got all dreamy and all of the suggestion. Its started when she asked me the question.


"Hey, any ideas for the master bedroom?" She asked.

"Hmm, I think it would look beautiful without the wallpaper." I suggest.

She laughed.

"Yeah, those are a lot of flowers." She said.

"Oo yeah. That's a lot." I laughed too.

I snuggled closer to her on the couch.

"I'm sure it was beautiful once though." I said.

Her arm rounded my shoulders bringing me closer until my head was resting on her shoulder.

"It probably was. Hmm, what else do you think would look good?" She asked me more.

"Hmm. Perhaps with a shade of light blue or.... Oh!" I looked up at her with excitement.

"Do you remember that lilac colours we saw the other day? When you went to buy paint for that house with the white fence?" I said and she smiled, nodded.

"That would be perfect." She said.

I didn't stop there, I was picturing that house in my mind and how it looked.

"I think ceramic tiles with just a hint of lilac that would match the walls. Hmm, a walk in closet would be nice too. A double sink bathroom with those cabinet. A bathtub for bubbles bath...." Then I paused as a questions popped in my head.

"Could there be a shower and a bathtub?" I asked.

Chaeyoung just laughed.

"There is space for both." She said then she entwined our fingers.

"How about the rest of the house?" How do you imagine it?" She asked.

End of flashback

That conversation happened quite some months ago, and I didn't make anything out of it. But now, everything I babble and spoke of was here. All of my suggestions, my dreamy visions, how I imagine it could be, was all here. Right in front of me. Confusion swallowed me whole. What is happening here?

"Chaeyoung?" I called as I descended the stairs.

She didn't answer. And to add to my bewilderment, when I stepped into the empty kitchen everything I have told Chaeyoung about was there too. The warm marble tiles. The high cabinets. The long island in the middle. The sliding glass door to the back garden. The double ovens. It was all here. Everything I was babble and imagine was right here.

"Chaeyoung." I called again.

My voice bouncing off the walls. A can of coke was placed on the table beside a set of papers and a pen. I picked them up and flipped through the pages reading them. Oh my God! I gasped and read them again with wider eyes as my trembling hand covered my mouth. It was a contract. A purchase contract. The contract of the house I was standing in. With both our names. Chaeyoung has already signed all the parts that consisted of her name while the line underneath mine was blank waiting for my signature. She bought the house? My brain screamed over my pounding heart. She bought us a house!

I rushed out looking for her. There was only one place left, the living room. My harried pace slowed as a trail of red roses petals scattered on the floor at the entrance. A scattered line that flowed to the middle of the room and at the end of it a big heart shape was formed. Cliche right? But, I can't help with my heart to pounding hard as I see this. No wonder people love it. Chaeyoung was standing there in the middle of the heart in her white suit, looking handsome, beauty and hot, surrounded by countless red roses and the soft light on many candles. In the corner, stood both her family and mine with wide smiles and silent zealous expressions. When did they get here?

Chaeyoung held out her hands for me. I wasn't sure how my feet carried me to her but soon my hands were encased by the warmth of her. My mind went blank. There was something going on here but I couldn't comprehend not could I process. Just as I couldn't take my eyes off her face. It was looking into her eyes what I loved the most. That loving gaze that never changed. The gentle smile on her lips. The strong set of her jaw and that muscles which betrayed her calm posterior and sold out how nervous she actually was. Everything was exhilarating and slowing at the same time as gradually our surrounding vanished leaving nothing but the two of us. She cleared her throat and her fingers tightened a bit over me.

"Hm, did you like the house?" She asked.

"You bought a house?" I asked still couldn't believe it.

She grinned.

"We bought a house." She said.

Then, her face got all serious.

"Which brings us to this.."

I could hear my heart racing in my ears and knocking on my rib cage. If it wasn't for her hands holding mine, my knees would have buckled long time ago. Is she going to do what I thought she was about to do?

Oh my god! Is this a....

Chaeyoung POV

I took a deep breath trying to force my nerves to calm. I cleared my throat again and allowed myself to sink in her eyes. To be lost in her beauty and to stealth my heart with the softness of her touch. The words I have prepared for this moment poured out like a song.

"Sana, you had me from the moment we bumped into each other in the hallway on your first day at school. And you had me from the first time you called me jerk, when.. well, I was a jerk. You had me when you walked into my life with all the name calling and the bickering and the teasing. You saw me at my worst and thank god, you stuck around." I spoke out to her.

Sana laughed and I did too. Her eyes started to water and trickle down her lovely face. I reached out and started to wipe the tears away. Right then I made a silent promise to myself, that from this moment in I would do everything in my power so that nothing but happy tears will ever fall from those eyes. I collected her hands and pressed them over my pounding heart.

"Every day I get to spend with you is a blessing and I wish to spend the rest of my life with you. You are my one, you are my only. I love you with every beat of my heart and until the last breath I will breath." I continued.

More tears started to trickle down Sana's face as I pulled out a small box and I got down on one knee. My heart was beating to fast in my chest as I opened the box. Her hands covered her mouth.

"Will you marry me, Sana?" All that was I froze in anticipation as I waited for answer.

It might have been a mere second, nonetheless, it was the longest second in my life. I don't think anyone was breathing at that point. I swear, if someone dropped a pin it would be heard. Sana was crying and laughing. Her breathing hitched as she finally nodded.

"Yes! Yes!" She answer.

Only then life was breathed in me.

Squeals and cheers erupted from the corner making us laugh. My god! She said yes! A joyous grin broke through my face as I took the ring out of its case and slipped it around her finger. Her hands were trembling and so were mine. Sana looked at it lovingly and then dove into my arms and I locked her in a tight hug lifting her off her feet as I stood. A deep sigh of happiness and nothing less than ecstasy washed over me. Not a second later we were surrounded by family and friends with renewed yet different stir of congratulations. Mom and aunt Mina had tears in their eyes as they hugged us. I think gramps too. But he was quick to look away.

After all, love is blind. Our celebration doubled today. And so did our happiness, for I have loved you blindly.

- The End -

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