Chapter 25

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Chaeyoung POV

Despite Sana's message that lifted my spirit, my day dragged endlessly. The whole day just seemed wrong. Meaningless without her around. No one would bickering with me. No one talk to me beside Nayeon and Minho. But, nothing fell in place and I know they sensed my mood and stop trying. I apologised to them and luckily they understand. I don't know it seemed lonely. For the first time in this three years, I felt lonely without someone talked to me. Well, specifically no Sana talked to me. I sigh. By the end of the day, I was on my last straw of patience. I pulled out my phone started to dial Sana's number.

I memorised it the minute she gave it to me after our first fight. Two digits left to press and I hang up raking my fingers through my hair. Idiot! She has sore throat! Her aunt literally just told me hours ago about she lost her voice. Again, I sigh. I don't know how many times I sigh today. Then, I remember about her brother, Jeongin. For the first time, I asked Nayeon and Minho help me to find Jeongin.

"Hey, what's up?" I hear Jeongin voice approach me.

"Hey, sorry for disturb you. But, can I visit your sister?" I said.

"Oh, sure. Why did you need my permission? You're always welcomed to our house." He said and I can hear he's smile.

"Alright then. Do you want me to take you home? Well, because literally its one way." I said.

"Haa, nahh. I got something to do. But, thanks for asking." He said.

"Alright then. But, Jeongin. Don't tell anything to anyone okay." I said.

"Yeah. Don't worry. See you then." He said and walked away.

Then, the moment I heard aunt Jeongyeon called my name, I blurted.

"I want to buy a teddy bear." I said to her.

I could hear her approaching footsteps. But, she sudden stop after my announcement.

"Um-ha. Not to be judgmental or anything. But, aren't you a bit old to have a teddy bear? Besides, I don't remember if you like teddy bear." She said in confusion and laughter mixed in her voice.

Okay. I have to admit, that sounded weird even in my ears as I'm not a big fan of teddy bear. But, Sana once told me that she likes teddy bear. I wasn't about back down now.

"Not for me. Its for Sana." I said.

"Ah-hah! You don't have to explained anything to me. I get it. Well done, Chaeyoung. Well done. Finally, you decided to make a move. I'm so proud of you Chaengie." She said proudly and laughed.

If I could roll my eyes, I would have done that by now. But I don't know if its possibility to do that in my current status. I take a deep breath.

"Sana is sick and I'm going to check on her. You are driving by the way." The words came out as flat as nothing matter was going to stop me.

"Is she okay?" Aunt Jeongyeon sounded genuinely concerned.

"I don't know. I couldn't speak to her." I said.

The low ruffle as she slid into her seat followed by the click of her seat belt.

"So, anything else beside the teddy bear?" She asked as we started to move.

I kept my grin to myself when I decided to get mean and sneaky. I know she will like it.

"Well. Her aunt is going to be there. So..." I said.

I don't know. Going to Sana's house was putting me in a good mood.

"How about some flowers for a first visit?" I said.

"Mina.." That's all she said in a dream like voice.

Somehow I knew she was thinking about aunt Mina all the time. She would stay quiet and still for a long time. There were moments where she got too quiet that I forgot she was there. Sometime I have to call her name a few times before she answers. She even sounded different. Happier, I think. Well, she's definitely has fall in love. As far as I can remember, aunt Jeongyeon had been out with a few girls but nothing like this.

Apparently, our family know we are gay long time ago and thank god, our family are open minded and supportive. Even, when I date with Momo my family know and I know how my family did show some attitude to Momo as grandpa and aunt Jeongyeon said that they don't really like Momo but still support because she was the one I choose. Even my parents also didn't show some liked towards Momo. But, Sana they acted differently opposite from they show to Momo. As soon as they see Sana, they all already capture to Sana. Immediately they all love and like Sana.

Ringing the bell, aunt Jeongyeon and I proved without doubt that we were related. She was nervous as I am. I could hear the low rustle of what I assumed was from the paper the flowers were wrapped with. Meanwhile, I was fidgeting with the bear in hand. I believed we both snapped into full attention as we heard footsteps heading our way.

"Shoot!" That's all she could said and then the door closed again.

What did just happened? I totally lost.

"What happen?" I asked aunt Jeongyeon.

But, there's no response. Hello? Did someone hear me? What happen? I groan silently. Aunt Jeongyeon totally in her mind again. Then, I hear the door open again.

"I'm sorry. Hmm, hi." Aunt Mina said.

"Hi." We said at the same time. Then, aunt Jeongyeon cuts me.

"No. Its okay. Hmm. Hi again." She said a bit shyly.

"Come in. And wait for a minute okay." Aunt Mina said.

Then, we step inside as aunt Jeongyeon lead my way. We just stood silently and awkwardly. Aunt Jeongyeon had cleared her throat a couple of time and started to pace with loud thuds on the floor.

"Relax." I said running out of patience.

She being nervous didn't help me at all. And worst, she making me more nervous.

"That obvious huh?" Even her voice came out nervous and uneven.

"Yup! And hearing it from a bling girl it means buckets. Breath." I instructed.

"I can't breath." She spoke in a low voice.

"She takes my breath away." She added and I know exactly what she meant by that.

Then, I heard aunt Mina walked in cutting aunt Jeongyeon's sharp inhale and mid relaxation routine. We just stayed there in awkward silent. Finally, aunt Jeongyeon remembered to hand her the flowers. I just shook my head mentally as I knew she will going to embarrassed me.

"Thank you. They are beautiful." Aunt Mina said happily.

"You're welcome." I hear aunt Jeongyeon said.

I bet and swear right then that my aunt had a big goofy grin on her face. Then, aunt Mina turned to me as I heard her voice.

"How are you been Chaeyoung?" She asked.

"I'm good. And you?" I said politely.

"All good." She replied.

The way her words reached me indicated that she was probably looking at the other nervous grown woman in the room.

"Are you here to check on Sana?" She asked.

"Yes." I honestly replied.

"I was about to check on her myself. Let me see if she could come downstairs." Aunt Mina said.

"No." I stopped her.

"If its fine with you and Sana's parents if I would want to check on her?" I asked.

"Oh." That's all aunt Mina said.

There's a moment of silence. Finally, aunt Mina spoke.

"I think she's awake. Do you mind taking her a sandwich? I will bring her some juice later. Would you like to drink something?" She said and asked both of us.

"Nothing for me. Thanks." I said.

"I will have juice too if its fine." Aunt Jeongyeon said.

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