Tiva: Ch.1 Boom

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Ziva's POV

It was a normal day at work. Gibbs head slapping us, McGee and his nicknames, and Tony being Tony. Gibbs walked in. "GET YOUR GEAR TEAM!" Gibbs and Tony practically ran to the car and I was close behind. In the car and Gibbs told us the case. Apparently there was a shooting at a café in town. It wasn't big though. So when we got to the scene something seemed strange. I didn't know what but something wasn't right.

Tony's POV

Something wasn't right. All of a sudden all I heard was Gibbs yelling, "GET DOWN!!!!" I knew he wouldn't joke around like that. And then I heard a loud beep, as in...a bomb. I jumped on top of Ziva to protect her. And then everything went silent and my mind blank

Ziva's POV

All I heard in those few seconds were now all a blur. And now Tony was on top of me. He actually was wearing cologne! He smells nice I thought, I was shocked but was soon brought back to reality. Tony was on top of me and he wasn't moving. There was smoke everywhere and a few bodies on fire laying there, lifeless. I didn't know what happened to Gibbs but I knew I had to do something. I quickly pushed him off me and felt for a pulse. He had one! It was faint but it was there. I began CPR and noticed that he had blood all over him. I searched for the wound and finally found it. It was on his head. It wasn't deep. He had another one on his chest, which tore his shirt. I continued the CPR and then his eyes fluttered and then opened.

Tony's POV

Ziva was on top of me. What had happened? I looked around and there were bodies. People were on fire! Some were just laying there. Ziva was looking at me with excitement. "What happened?" I asked "there was an explosion and you jumped on top of me to save me and i thought you were dead and-" she began time cry....I quickly sat up and kissed her. I noticed i had a wound on my chest and back. Also my head. They hurt but I ignored the wounds and just kissed her. And then, as if on cue, we heard Gibbs' voice. " Ziva? Tony?" We quickly stopped and Ziva called out, " Gibbs? Gibbs? Where are you?!" I jokingly said "aren't you gonna call an ambulance? Or are you just gonna sit there?" "Oh right!" She got up off me and called 911 and said "I'll be right back ok stay there!" I asked her where she was going. " I'm going to find Gibbs!" She disappeared into the dust and smoke. I felt fabric cover my face and then my mind went blank

Ziva's POV

"Gibbs? Gibbs! Just say something! I need to find you!" I heard a moan come from a few feet away and I ran over to it. I said, "Gibbs, is, is it you?" The person answered "y-yes. Did you call 911?" "Yes, I did" then I heard the ambulance pull up and by now, most of the smoke was cleared away. I ran over to the truck and guided them to Gibbs. I remembered Tony and ran quicker than I thought possible to where he was. But to my surprise he wasn't there. I mumbled to myself "Damn you Tony I told you not to move!" then a car pulled up and Ducky, Abby and McGee got out and asked what had happened and where Gibbs and Tony were. I told them "I couldn't find Tony, he's injured. Not bad though. And Gibbs is in the ambulance. Abby and Tim decided to help look for Tony and Ducky went over to some bodies "are you sure this is exactly where you guys were?" Tim asked "yes I'm sure!" After an hour of searching, we had to give up and assume that he was kidnapped

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