Tiva: Ch.8 Bloody Love

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Tony's POV
"I trusted you, Julia"
"Yes, I trusted you too baby, but this piece of **** has gotten in the way of us!"
"No she has not! She is just a good friend!"
"Then tell me, why did you kiss her when she went to hug you and tell her you love her too?"
"I uh....I..don't know"
"Very well then" she snapped her fingers and walked away as the red head walked in. She had a knife in one hand and a gun in another. I was terrified to what would happen to us.

Gibbs POV
"Why the hell isn't Ziva or Tony answering their phones?! We need to find Ziva's father!"
McGee heard and tuned in fast
"Sir, I'm tracking their phones now!"
"And here's the address"

Ziva's POV
My head had about 3 cuts on it. My legs had 5 cuts on each. And my arms 4 cuts on each. 12 cuts in all but they were big and pretty deep. The red head clapped once and a man walked in. I did not recognize him. He began beating Tony. It hurt me to see him in pain. The red head kicked me a lot. Tony asked them what they wanted and they just said "we want you two to die, boss's orders." The man got scared all of a sudden and untied Tony and brought him downstairs.

McGee's POV
Gibbs and I pulled up to the address I had pulled up on my hi-tech phone and we went inside, searching for Tony and Ziva. We were stopped by a man, big man, holding Tony with a gun to his head "move and he dies" i looked at Gibbs and he motioned for me to drop my gun, Gibbs did the same. Two other big men came out of nowhere and chained us to the wall. They tied Tony to a chair. It was now just us 3 in the room. they heard yelling coming from upstairs where Ziva was. Tony's head was slouched down and he looked hurt. One man took Gibbs somewhere, leaving us alone.
"Are you okay?"
"No I'm not okay, my girlfriend is trying to kill Ziva and I've almost been killed almost 5 times this week"
"We will get out of this, trust me"
"Whatever you say McGeek"
A few moments of silence passed "So why is Ziva here anyways?" I asked
"Julia told me to bring someone I care about and so I brought her"
"You really care for Ziva, don't you Tony?"
"Y-yes...I think I love her....and she loves me, she told me so...Probie, we kissed twice this week and it was amazing..."
-A gunshot was heard from above-
"Ziva!!!!" Tony yelled and looked very very hurt, about to cry even.

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