Tiva: Ch.17 Secret

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Ziva's POV
I'm hoping McGee doesn't tell Gibbs about that, or We'd be dead. The whole day McGee looked at us weird. Finally I had enough. I walked over to his desk, his eyes were glued on Tony, he looked like he was thinking, hard. Tony didn't notice though because he was too busy doing paperwork.
"Thinking hard, huh McGee?"
He jumped a mile and looked at me
"Oh uh yeah! Working hard on this case ya know? Heh heh" and returned back to his 'work'
"Is it really that hard to figure out?"
"Don't tell me you didn't see that little elevator fling"
"Oh um what elevator fling?"
"Keep thinking probie!" Tony piped in
I walked away laughing

McGee's POV
I never thought....Tony and Ziva...wow...I'm just playing it off but, I mean come on! You can't break rule 12! Should I tell Gibbs? I mean Tony didn't tell me not to.... All of a sudden Tony was standing in front of me and I didn't realize it and that I was staring straight at him.
"Hello? Earth to McDaydream!"
"Oh sorry"
"Boss wanted to see you"
"Oh right, right" and then I took off

Tony's POV
"Think he knows?" I asked
"Oh of corse he knows"
" better not tell Gibbs"
"Tell me what?!" A voice said from behind me.
"Oh uh um"
I saw McGee standing behind Gibbs and knew he'd told him.
"That we were...."
And at the same time I said "throwing a party" Gibbs said "dating?" I needed to play it off! "What? Where would you get the idea of me dating her?!"
"McGee. He told me you two were..er...kissing...-"
He was cut off by McGee
"Yes, kissing, intensely. Very. Intensely"
Gibbs continued;
"In the elevator"
I had to think of a plan so I thought
"Oh yeah right that...we had to pretend to be uh married so we could um"
Gibbs chimed in saying "so you can have sex?"
"What, heh no"
"I'm sure you've imagined it" Ziva said
"Not saying I didn't" and smiled
"Oh yes boss?"
"Don't break her heart"
And walked away.
McGee looked mad
"What's wrong McMad?"
"Your breaking rule 12!" He then stormed off.
"He's dating Abby why can't we date?" Ziva asked
"We can, just McGee isn't happy about it. He's a play by the rules type of person"

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