Tiva: Ch.10 The Barn

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Ziva's POV
Jasen took me, untied me and escorted me into a car. We drove for awhile and then came to a stop at an old abandoned barn. I figured they would soon kill me.

Vance's POV
"We have cases piling up! Where is Gibbs?" I figured to go check McGee's computer for clues. Maybe they're in trouble. I shook the mouse and the screen turned on, it was an address. Maybe i should go there, see what's up. I took a drive over and heard screaming. I entered the front door and snuck up the stairs, gun in hand. As soon as I entered, I saw Gibbs, and McGee all tied to a chair with cuts and blood everywhere, I decided to take my backup gun and give it to Gibbs. I untied him and we went downstairs together.

Tony's POV
I put my hands up, the red head heard someone so she pulled me into a car and drove off, I was weak and decided not to fight her, after all she did have a gun. We drove to an old abandoned barn and she took me inside. We met a guard in there named Jasen and escorted me to Ziva. They tied me to a chair as they did to Ziva and they left us alone for a few minutes.
"You know who shot me that day right?"
"Yes, my father did, we yet to have find him because of all that has been going on"
"Yeah...I didn't recognize the voice at first but then it hit me and he said stay away from my daughter and shot me and ran off"
"We have to solve who placed the bomb still"
"Yeah I know. I'm just so happy your alive!"
"Probably not for long though"

McGee's POV
"Hello? Guys! You forgot about me?" The room was silent and I was sure Tony and Ziva were at a different location. A few minutes later Gibbs came up and untied me. "We're good, we need you to track their phones again"
"Ok boss here's the address! Can I take a shower now? I'm kind of all bloody..."
"Sure we will be there. If you don't hear from us in an hour then come"
I looked at the clock. It was 3:00 in the morning and I sure needed sleep. But I was determined to find them. Gibbs and Vance left and I was left to myself.

Ziva's POV
The big man cut Tony even deeper than I was. He winced out in pain. It hurt me emotionally. Then the red head took the gun. She then shot it. at me.

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