Tiva:Ch.19 In Shock

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Authors note: things are about to get real!
--meanwhile at NCIS--
McGee's POV
I was exhausted but I had to do this, and I couldn't wait until tomorrow because Tony or Ziva would be here. Gibbs was on my side here too. He placed cameras in every room in Ziva and Tony's apartment because we want to make sure they aren't dating. Gibbs wasn't too fond of the idea but he just said 'don't break her heart' to end the conversation. He, by no means wanted Tony and Ziva dating, so that's why he put cameras in every room in their apartments. The NCIS building was totally empty except McGee and Gibbs, watching on a big flat screen all the cameras.
( yes we are going back a little bit )
What movie you wanna watch sweet cheeks?
--minutes later--
Gibbs and I just watched in awe as to what happened next, they watched as Tony kissed Ziva and undressed each other. As they went into the bed...we watched all night, live stream. And at the end all we could say was
"Oh. My. God"
We watched until they fell asleep around 1:00 and then we went home.

I know it's very short. but chapter 20 is very good I think 💕🐳💕

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