Tiva: Ch.30 Daddy

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Tony's POV
I was having a good day, flirting with Kendra, and teasing McGee. I invited Kendra to my apartment to watch a movie. It brought back memories of Ziva. I must've looked upset because Kendra asked me if I was ok.
"Oh uh yeah" I lied but I didn't need her knowing that.
"Listen, I know something's wrong. But everything will be okay!" She said
"No, Kendra, it won't be oka-" I was cut off from my sentence by her kissing me. I kissed her back. Now Is the time. No more waiting I thought.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Omg yes! I didn't think you felt the same way!" She kissed me and again, I kissed her back. We were kissing for awhile when my phone rang. I went to answer it and it was Ziva. I couldn't hide my happiness. Kendra looked pretty mad as I answered it and said "Ziva! Oh my god how are you doing?!" I walked into my bedroom and locked the door, leaving Kendra behind. Ziva started talking.
"Tony I have something to tell you."
"What is it sweet cheeks?" I said as I smiled maybe with a little bit too much excitement.
"You..." She sounded like she was crying, "you...you are going to be a father." The last word sort of was a whisper, as if she didn't want me to know, or was afraid of how I'd react.

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