Tiva: Ch.5 Julia Casey

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-- Julia and Becca are characters I made up for this story!--

Tony's POV

I felt someone near me, I bet it's Ziva! The person started talking and I instantly recognized her voice. It was my girlfriend, Julia Casey. I smelled her perfume which smelled like heaven. She kissed me on my lips and said "I love you baby!" And walked away. I love her too. Before I knew it I heard some nurses talking about Leroy. Who's Leroy? Maybe Gibbs?! Maybe he didn't die from the explosion! I wanted to get up and see but I can't.

Ziva's POV

It was 8:36 am I just woke up and the nurses are talking about Leroy,..,Gibbs? I decided to go see and I saw McGee sitting there with Gibbs all dressed and ready to go home. "Gibbs! Your out?!"
"Yep why are you here?"
"Oh! Tony's here also!"
"Ah, well you guys can have the day off, it was long day yesterday!"
" thank you Gibbs!"

I went back to my home to cook some food. I hadn't eaten in a full day and I still wasn't hungry but figured i should eat something. I ate a ham and cheese sandwich and went back to bed.
I got a call around 1:00. I slept long but I needed a good sleep. I got excited that it was the hospital saying he was awake the voice said
"Hello? Is this Julia Casey?"
"No this is not, can I take a message?"
"Well Tony DiNozzo is awake and is asking for her, will you give her this message please?"
"Oh uh yes! Thank you"
And with that I hung up the phone. I was confused, who is this Julia and why is Tony asking for her?! I figured if he was important to her she'd visit him and find out then. I wanted to wait until tomorrow to visit him to give him and this "julia" some time alone.

Tony's POV

"Ughhhh where is Julia?"
"Sir we have her a call and a woman said she'd give her the call" "well let me give you the number again one more time! It's 555-555-5555!!!!" I was getting angry that Julia wasn't here, I missed her! After what seemed like hours, julia finally came in.

Ziva's POV

"This is too long" I said to myself. I drove to the hospital and as I started to near his door I heard a woman's voice and I decided to listen. She looked like she'd just entered the room.
"My baby!!!!!"
"Hey babe"
"I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too!"
Then tony pulled her into one hell of a kiss that lasted for about 2 minutes. I was about to puke in my mouth. I think I...I think I am jealous! The woman began to speak again which brought me back to reality
"Don't forget to meet me there!"
"Um where?"
"Oh yeah that's right! I forgot to tell you! After you get out of here, meet me at my apartment and have some fun!" With that she kissed him and headed for the door. I walked away and waited for her to pass and waited a few minutes
Tony's POV

I love Julia so much. I can't live without her! I can't wait until I get out of here! Then someone walked in. It was Ziva.

Ziva's POV

"Hey my ninja!"
"I was so worried about you!"

Julia's POV

"Aww man I forgot my purse in his room!" So I went into the hospital again and was about to enter his room when I saw another woman in there! I decided to wait and see who she is.

Zivas POV

I bent down to hug him and instead, he kissed me! I was so happy!! We kissed for a short 10 seconds and then Tony said something.....

Tony's POV

I kissed her. I have a girlfriend and I kissed her! Why did I do that?! Ugh!! But I can't live without her! But I love my girlfriend! But something inside me made me say: "that night in the ambulance,,.,.you said I love you in Hebrew. I love you too Ziva David"

Julia's POV

"I have to call Becca. She will pay"

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