Tiva: Ch.7 Red Head

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Tony's POV

I didn't want to die but I didn't want to live without Ziva either, Julia had ran off and then came back with a pair of scissors. I took them from her and cut the buckle and the girls and I ran off just in time. Julia led us into a small abandoned building in the middle of nowhere. And then she left. The red head walked in and hit Ziva on the back of the head and me next. My mind went blank once again.

Ziva's POV

I woke up in a chair with my hands and feet tied to it. I noticed Tony was behind me and he was still passed out. Julia came in and saw me awake and Tony wasn't, she grabbed a knife and started cutting me, on my face, on my arms, legs. Everywhere. I was crying the whole time, normally I'm strong but it hurt bad. Tony must've heard me crying and woke up and looked to see Julie cutting me. "JULIA! STOP!" He yelled and made Julia jump. She said "do you love me Tony DiNozzo?"
"Not if your going to torture my best friend"
"Then I might as well kill you too!"
"Let the suffering begin!"
And then the red head walked in

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