Tiva: Ch.26 "friends"

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Tony's POV

If this woman wasn't Ziva then where was she?! The last place she was, was at a trained killers home. So she's probably in danger. Our plane back to Washington left in 3 days. 3 days to find the real Ziva, the one I loved. I went to the rented lab and let the team know. They're all so happy, but I doubt they're as happy as I am. I did research and the guy who Ziva was there to get, is named Zayen Sival. Probably one of Ziva's ex-lovers. She dated like every guy from Mossad. I found the houses Zayen owns and visited them. I started with house 1, no go, house 2, no go but it left me with some clues. There was a piece of paper with an address written on it, and it was an abandoned building near the edge of town. I thought I'd found the location. I drove there and let McGee track my phone incase I got in trouble. I walked inside. I checked the downstairs and knew it was my place. I went upstairs and saw the unspeakable. Ziva tied to a bed with her mouth duck taped. Nobody was in the room, I went to untie her and get her out of here but a man pulled me down and tied me to a wall. He was very strong and assumed it was Zayen. He made me watch as he started to undress her. I could tell she didn't like it but it just got worse. He undressed her fully and then undressed himself.
"You seeing this Tony? Well she's mine now" and got on top of her. I felt my phone in the back of my pocket. I felt my hands around for it and texted a few letters of randomness to McGee and hoped he'd track it. Zayen did some...things but nothing too bad. he mostly just kissed her body...all over the place. I heard someone coming and trusted it was McGee. It was. But unfortunately, Zayen heard him too and just went crazy on Ziva. I heard Ziva trying to scream. McGee ran over to him and pulled him off of her. He made him get dressed and arrested him for murdering the mystery girl and forcing Ziva to do sexual things. McGee made me untie her since he didn't exactly want to see her naked.
"Ziva oh my god" I just kissed her for....awhile. It was weird that she was naked but nothing is awkward between "friends"

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