Tiva: Ch.24 Surprise, Surprise

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--McAbby 💜-- but don't worry
McGee's POV
As much as I hate to do it, I open my eyes, slowly. Tony was laying on the floor. He shot himself in his stomach.
"Tony!" I dialed 911 even though I was pissed at him for 3 reasons and felt bad for him for 3 reasons. I was pissed because
1.) he shouldn't kill himself because Ziva is dead
2.) he broke rule 12
3.) he slept with her. Definitely breaking rule 12!
I felt bad for him because
1.) Ziva died and he loved her
2.) he was near death
3.) and I shouldn't have set up the cameras in his and Ziva's apartment
But I just stood there, staring at Tony.
"Let me die Probie, I need to die. haha...goodbye" He laughed slightly and then smiled that Tony smile one last time. I tried to compress the wound but he slapped me. Nobody slaps me except Gibbs. I just sat there and stared at him as he lost blood. The blood began to come out his mouth. Even I started to tear up, before I had hope that he would survive but each second, the odds were not in our favor, he was one step closer to death, and to Ziva. Gibbs and the rest of the team came, too while the ambulance finally arrived. He looked dead, honestly. I hoped that he wasn't but things weren't looking good. The ambulance drove off.
Abby was crying. I hugged her
"Everything will be ok Abbs" I then kissed her. Gibbs shed a tear I noticed. Ducky and Palmers' faces just looked blank. We already caught the killer for the case we came to Vegas for, and Gibbs caught Ziva's killer. We should go back home. But we now needed to see what would happen to Tony.
--the next day--
I woke up holding Abby close to me in our bed that we shared. We've been dating for about 6 months now. I noticed that we weren't wearing any clothes. I just remembered what happened last night. To say the least, unspeakable things. I now understood how Tony loved Ziva so much to sleep with her. I shouldn't have gotten so mad. I mean after all, I did break rule 12 too, only me and Abby aren't exactly co-workers. She looks good with her hair down and pretty sleeping, like she always looks beautiful though. Then my and Abby's phone rang, waking her up.
"Hello Abs"
"Hey McGee!"
I answered my phone
"Hello? It's about Anthony DiNozzo. I suggest you get down here right away" it was the hospital.
"OMG we need to go now Tim!"
"Okay okay I'm coming"
We got dressed and headed for the hospital. We met Ducky, Jimmy, and Gibbs there. The nurse talked to us.
"Your friend, Dinozzo, he, is, unconscious at the moment, since he lost blood, he's weak, we're treating his scars too. But he is expected to be able to leave within 2 days. He's very lucky"
--2 days later--
"Okay, bye thanks for treating me" Tony said as he walked out of the hospital with me.
"I miss Ziva"
"Me too Tony"
"No I mean like, a lot" I saw him start to tear up. i got a call from Ducky.
"Hello? Tim? I found something while I was examining Ziva's body, I suggest you get here fast, don't bring Tony yet." Why did he call me? Oh well I'll go.
"Ducky needs me at the lab"
"Ok I'll come too I guess" he looks very depressed. I noticed that his cuts were almost healed though.
---at the lab---
"I told you not to bring him" Ducky whispers to me. "Sorry"
"Tony can I speak to him alone please?"
"Oh um sure" he left
ducky looked at me, worried
"Timothy, I found something while examining Ziva...."
"Why are you telling me?! She's not my girlfriend."
"Because, McGee,..,Ziva,..,Ziva was pregnant..I presume with Tony's child"

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