Tiva: Ch.6 Kisses or Disses?

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Ziva's POV
"Well bye feel better!"
"Bye my ninja!"
And then I left. As I reached for the door to go outside, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and it was a tall, blonde haired, hazel eyed woman. I was sure it was the lady I'd seen in the room with Tony and kissed. I was about to ask her what her name was when she slapped me straight across the face. "What was that for?" "For kissing my boyfriend, you bitch! My name is Julia, and that's all you need to know" And she walked away towards Tony's room. I went to my car and drove to NCIS and did the usual daily work. Tomorrow Tony would be back and he'd be over Julia's apartment, but I wouldn't have to be lonely anymore. Eventually, Gibbs walked in and told McGee and I to go home.

----the next day----

Tony's POV

Nurse: "okay Mr. DiNozzo you may go home now! Just be careful" I was so happy that I finally got to spend some time with Julia today. I got a call from Gibbs telling me to take as much time off as I need. "Don't worry boss I'll be back in today!" I went to my apartment and changed and went straight to work. I just got on the elevator and it stopped at a floor "great"

Ziva's POV

I just got out of my car and went to the elevator. Once the elevator opened I was shocked to see the one and only, Tony DiNozzo. I stepped in. "Hey Tony"
"Ziva" "I uh..didn't know you had a girlfriend.." And I turned my back to him with my arms crossed. I felt the elevator stop and knew he'd pressed the emergency stop button. "Ziva i didn't know it would hurt you"
"Tony I told you that night on the ambulance how I felt! How could you not know?!" I began to raise my voice. "I didn't know before that day. Julia and I have been dating for a year by then" "one year huh? You've been hiding this from me?" "I'm sorry Ziva"
"No Tony, it is I who am sorry. I shouldn't have acted this way." "Yeah Ziva because your jealous" I pulled him into a kiss and he put his hands through my hair. It felt so right. Until he pushed me away from him. "I-I can't Ziva! I have a girlfriend!" And pushed the button and the doors opened. Tony ignored me the rest of the day and talked to Abby and Ducky most of the day. I don't know about what but I was hurt, he told me he loved me too and now goes back to his girlfriend.

Tony's POV
it was now time to go home and time to hang with Julia. My phone rang, it was Julia. "Hey baby! About our date tonight! Uh could you maybe bring another person? The person you care most about maybe!" "Haha but I care about YOU the most!" "Well, another person then. And meet me at my apartment. See Ya there baby!" That was weird. Well I guess I'll bring Ziva. No no, how about probie? Ugh no! You know what? I'll just bring Ziva.

Ziva's POV

"Finally!" I said as I sat in the bathtub. "I haven't bathed in forever" I heard my phone ring. I didn't even think about it I just kept washing. About 10 minutes later, I came out and checked my voicemail. It was Tony.
"Hey Ziva it's Tony, I was wondering if you could come with me? Julia aid she wants someone special to come with me to see her and your special. I'll be over in a few! See ya" and then there was a knock on the door. I knew it was him. I ran into my room and changed into my best outfit. I heard him let himself in.

Tony's POV

I decided to let myself in, I waited outside of her closed bedroom door. then she walked out. "hey beautiful" "I thought you had a girlfriend" she said "listen Ziva...." "you know what tony? Just....lets go" we got into my car and the ride was completely silent. we arrived at Julia's apartment and she told us to get into her car and buckle up. we did so. Julia drove and I sat in the back with Ziva. We came to a stop in the middle of nowhere. "Here we are! Hehe!" Julia said.

Ziva's POV

She's so annoying. Her laugh, everything. And something was weird here. The last time something was weird, Tony almost died. And then Julia got out of the car and locked us in. Then she disappeared into the darkness and a different woman walked up to the hood of the car with a match on fire in her hand. She was a red head and said "goodbye" and opened the hood of the car and threw the match in. The girl ran away and Julia came back with an envelope in hand and saw what just happened. She unlocked the car and Tony got out and yelled "Ziva! Come on! It's gonna explode!!!" I tried to undo my buckle but it wouldn't budge and the door was open. Julia was screaming, "Tony! Let's go! The cars going to explode!"
And that's when he said the sweetest last words I'd ever hear, "sorry julia, but I care about her, and I'm not going to leave her here to die" and sat down in the seat next to me.

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