Tiva: Ch.2 Fear For My Life

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--back at NCIS--

Ziva's POV

things are strange around here now. Gibbs is in the Hospital recovering from the blast and Tony is still missing so McGee is in charge. And he wasn't so good at it. I decided to go to the hospital to talk to Gibbs.


"How are you?"
"Fine. The question is how is Tony?"
"That's what I came here to talk to you about."
"McGee sucks at being in charge"
He laughed. I was shocked I never heard his laugh before "yes I know but ill be getting out in a few days"
"But what should I do to find him?!"
"Check the crime scene my dear"
"Yes well, goodbye Gibbs"

Tony's POV
All I saw was darkness. All I knew was that my head hurt. I looked around and saw an opening. It was a door but I didn't know if I was being watched or not. I tried to move but I was tied to the chair with a rope. It wasn't that thick and thought whoever my kidnapper was is unprofessional. After what seemed like hours I slipped out of the knot and undid my feet ties. I got up and found a switch. I was in a white room with a chair in the middle. I went to the door and opened it. I went to take a step but heard a voice from behind me. I didn't recognize it. I was in fear for my life, I didn't have a weapon on me and this guy probably had a gun. The voice said "turn around, SLOWLY Agent DiNozzo!" I did as I was asked my head still hurt and I found it hard to stand upright. I turned with my hands up to meet my enemy. I was very shocked to see the man....the final words I heard were "stay away from my daughter" and he pulled the trigger

Ziva's POV

I went back to the crime scene, still under investigation, I went to the parking spot next to where Tony laid. I saw some faint tire tracks there and I quickly took samples and pictures. I sped to the NCIS lab and gave them to Abby. "I'll do my very best Ziva!" Took a sip of her caf-pow and went straight to work. I was worried about Tony. But I knew once Abby found what type of car those tracks came from we would have our guy. I went to my desk to finish some paperwork and looked over at the empty seat across from me. I thought of Tony and how he could be dead right now. I brought my attention back to the paperwork and once I was finished I was super tired. It was 10:30 at night and I should be home by now. But I can't..I won't leave until I know what tire and car it is. I was half asleep on my desk when I heard Abby's voice, "I GOT IT ZIVA!!" I sprung up and nearly ran to the lab. Abby looked worried but relieved. I asked "what's wrong Abs?" "Ziva...the tire tracks were special, as in the country they were made in, these babies were made in Isreal" I was shocked but knew my dad would do it. I needed backup so I yelled for McGee. He was sleeping on his desk too but I kicked him and told him to come. We got in the car and McGee asked how I knew it was my dad "I don't know that but I want to make sure" "ok but where are we going?" "To where my dad stays when he's in America"

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