Tiva: Ch.9 Helpful

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McGee's POV

---a gunshot was heard from above---
"Ziva!!!" He looked hurt. About to cry even. "I would go and comfort you but I'm kinda tied to the wall right now" I said.
"She's gone McGee"
"No nickname huh?"
he just stared at me with that, you better shut up look.
"You know Tony, it might not be her that got shot."
"You don't know that!"
"No but where did they take Gibbs? Huh? Maybe he got shot! Or maybe Julia has turned crazy and shot one of the guards!"
"I see your point there McGeek"
"There it is"
Ziva's POV
I saw them bring Gibbs in. I knew McGee was here too. The guards were yelling at Julia "stop giving us orders you bitch! We quit!" And then I heard a gunshot. Julia fell to the ground, blood everywhere. One guard went to untie me when another shot rang out

Tony's POV
"Great. Another gunshot! Another chance she could be dead!"

Ziva's POV
The red head shot the helpful guard and commanded the other 2 do as they were told.
"plan A with boss man"
That meant Gibbs was next. And then probably McGee and they would make Tony watch me die, or me watch him die. Either way, we had no agents to back us up so we were screwed. We were all going to die here. I still had those 12 deep cuts all over me. And I bet Tony still has his black and blue marks from getting beaten an hour or two ago. The other guard who is called Jasen started cutting Gibbs. The other guard who goes by Franki went downstairs, probably to get McGee.

Tony's POV
"Shh here they come"
We shut up and waited to see who was next into the room so many people died in. They untied McGee and took him upstairs, but the man gave me his knife. he looked at me and said, "back room closet. Grab one. Let yourself and your friends be free" and walked away with Tim tightly in the man's grip. I got a somewhat good grip on the knife and started cutting my hand ropes. My whole body shook when I heard another shot ring out.

Ziva's POV
The red head screamed at Franki to cut McGee but he stated he didn't have a knife so the woman shot him. "Have to do it myself then" she picked a knife out of her pocket and started with his face.

Tony's POV
After about 5 minutes I cut my hands free and untied the ropes on my feet. I grabbed the knife and went to the back room and searched for a closet. I tried the door knob to it but it was locked I picked the lock with the very sharp and thin knife and looked inside. The room was huge! I looked at a huge WK 40 ( I don't know my guns ) it looked like something you'd use in war. I turn around to make sure I'm not being watched and there she is, the little red head with a gun.
"And just what do you think your doing?"

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