Tiva: Ch.18 Video Tape

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Gibbs POV
--on phone--
"Yes, I did put the cameras in there! For gods sake Tim just watch them for me! Yes every room!"
--after work--
Tony's POV
"hey Ziva! Movie tonight? My place? 8:30?"
"Why not hairy butt?"
--at my apartment--
My place wasn't exactly the most neat place, but it didn't have to be perfect for Ziva, she settled with almost anything. It was 8:15, almost time I thought. A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!"
Ziva walked in with a dark blue low cut dress on. "Hey sweet cheeks you look beautiful, as always"
"Heh thank you, you too"
"I look beautiful? As in a girl?" I started laughing
"No! I mean you look....good"
"Oh so now i just look, good?"
she started laughing too "no! You know what I mean!"
We sat down on the couch
"So what movie you wanna watch?"
We chose a horror movie and then I got a call from the kitchen phone. "Be right back" I said I answered the phone
"Hello? Yes this is McDonalds ok bye!" All in one sentence. I turned around and saw Ziva standing behind me. I started kissing her, while she unbuttoned my shirt and I undid her dress,
"Let's take this to the bedroom, shall we?" Ziva asked "yes we shall"
We gradually undressed each other. And fell into the bed, all while we kissed. "I like it on top Tony" we laughed "and that's just my knee"
We continued all night....
Ziva's POV
I woke up in Tony's arms. I felt weird waking up in his bed, but I loved him. More than you could imagine. I was no longer tired but I didn't want to move. I noticed Tony was awake staring at me and smiling.
"Good morning sweet cheeks"

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