Tiva: Ch.34 Labour

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Tony's POV
I remembered what happened before I blacked out. I was very very worried about Ziva and she was still passed out next to me. We're both tied up in chairs. A man I used to know, named Craig McGowen. He hated my guts now because his ex wife, Cindy, murdered some kid and I had to shoot her because she had a gun to another child's head, and his kids, Lily and Chloe, were at a crime scene, under my watch, way before his wife was killed, and I let them go to the bathroom while I was outside checking the dead body out. And then there was an explosion and his kids had died, now that wasn't my fault, but I feel bad for Craig, and there he was, standing in the doorway with an AK-47 and a belt in his hands. He had an evil look on his face, too.
Then Ziva woke up.
"Well, if it isn't the fine Tony DiNozzo and the beautiful beauty, Ziva David, heh, or should I say Ziva DiNozzo?!" The last two words he screamed with anger. Craig was a nice and funny guy until his kids died and then his wife, he went crazy, he went on drugs, became an alcoholic, everything.
"What do you want with us?!" Ziva screamed.
"Tony took my family away from me, and now I'm going to take his away from him!"
"No I don't think you want to do that"
"Yes I do want to do it!!" With that he sped over to her and whipped her with the belt in her stomach. Ziva was very hurt, was crying even, and I couldn't take it anymore.
"What for?" He said calmly
and continued. A minute later he walked away into a different room, leaving us alone.

Ziva's POV
"Tony...." I said frightened
"Ziva are you okay?! Oh my god I mean why would he-"
"My water broke" I said, he continued, he didn't hear me.
"Why would he do this to you I mean I'm sorry for him and...wait...what did you just say?"
"Tony my water broke, as in, I'm in labour."
"Oh my god!!"
"Yes! NowIm going get myself untied!"
I began wincing in pain, this baby was coming and it wasn't waiting.
"Ok ok breathe just breathe...."
Then that guy walked in. tony yelled at him.
"Damn it! Get her untied Craig! She's in labour!"
"And why would I do that?"
"Because she's in labour God damnit!"

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