Tiva: Ch.29 Kendra

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--the next day--
Tony's POV
I should call Ziva now. I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up

Ziva's POV
My phone is ringing and it says TONY.
I decide to answer
"Hey uh....Ziva" he said. he sounds worried.
"Where are you?!"
"I'm in Tel Avev."
"And why?!"
"Because Tony-" I was cut off by him speaking.
"I know"
"You do?"
"I saw...uh" he swallowed hard "I saw it in the garbage yesterday night"
And then he hung up. I couldn't tell if he was mad or sad. I'm worried about what will happen next.

--one month later--
Tony's POV
I haven't talked to Ziva in a month. I needed to know if it was mine or Zayen's. Zayen did do it with her, for a few seconds, and Ziva had to do it by force, but I need to know. Gibbs is going to replace Ziva if she doesn't come back within another week. She won't come back. I know she won't. not for at least another month or two.

Ziva's POV
It's been a month since I've talked to Tony. I have to wait another 2 months to get a test to see who's child it is. I don't want to contact Tony though.

--a week later--
Tony's POV
Gibbs walked in with a tall, skinny, blue eyed, short light brown haired, girl.
"Yes boss?"
"meet, your new partner,Kendra"
we shook hands. No doubt she was hot. She seemed nice.
"Hello" she said with a bright smile
"Hey Kendra" I smiled 'my smile'. she smelled very nice. Like fresh flowers or something. Gibbs told us to get ready to go to a crime scene. Kendra and I rode together. We had a nice talk on the way.
"So, hottie, what's your name?"
"Tony DiNozzo"
"Nice, like fictional sexy character you'd only find in a book"
i laughed and blushed a bit and looked at her. She's very beautiful. But no, I can't be falling in love with another woman when I might be a father in 8 months! We arrived at the crime scene and, seemingly, without control, I flirted with her the whole time. I can tell she likes me back too. A voice inside my head said:
"Tony what the hell are you doing?! You might be a father soon! When you know for sure that your not, then you can date anyone you like!"
--2 months later--
Kendra and I have grown closer and closer, over these 2 great months. I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend this Friday. I can't wait!

Ziva's POV
It's now time to find out who the father of this baby really is. I went to the hospital and told them what I needed. I went into this room and a nice old lady walked in. She stuck a long thin needle in my stomach. It hurt a lot, but then She pulled it out and covered it with a bandage and put some gel on it. She put whatever she pulled out of me in the needle in a cup and left. A few minutes later, she came back and opened up a file on a computer.
"Well, Miss David, the father of your child is........."

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