Tiva: Ch.33 Blank Mind

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--the next day--
Ziva's POV
I woke up on the couch in Tony's apartment. I couldn't go to work because I was...pregnant and you can't work in the line of fire after 5 months, we were already breaking rule 12. We went way over the line of that rule, actually.

--4 months later--
I'm 8 months and 4 weeks pregnant. The baby can come any day now. Tony and I were driving to get some tea/coffee at the local cafe on a Sunday, our day off. This cafe brought back so many memories. This was where Tony and I first kissed. And it lead to so many better things, like our child. That day we admitted our love to each other. I snapped back into it and ordered my green tea and Tony ordered his coffee. We sat down and talked about baby names. We should've done this a while ago but we didn't. We also wanted to be surprised by the gender so we had no idea.
"How about Aiden Mitchell?" He asked
"Destiny Rose"
"Desiree Grace"
"Christie May"
"Ian Mitchell"
"Tyler Daniel"
"Abigail Rose"
"Haha okay Tony we have to eliminate some!"
"Okay fine"
Our final 2 were Christie May and Ian Mitchell. We both finished our drinks and walked out. I saw a man walking by us, he looked weird. Guilty of something. He then hit Tony unconscious and a man with a car pulled up and this man pulled Tony into the car. He then grabbed me and hit me unconscious too. I was worried about the baby and Tony. But my mind went blank.

--I'm sorry if you don't like the names I chose, I liked them names! 💜💕 thank you all so much for reading my story and I'll be writing more different stories soon! Btw this story isn't over yet!-- 💙🌀💙

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