Tiva: Ch.32 I will

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Tony's POV
I saw the tv news flash. All I could think about is Ziva! Tears started streaming down my face and I was overwhelmed with sadness. I got a call. I just ignore it. I don't have time for Gibbs' nonsense right now. A few minutes later it rang again and again. I got frustrated and answered it.
"What do you want?!" I yelled into the phone.
"Tony, Tony it's me. It's Ziva."
"Ziva? But your plane crashed and I thought you were dead and.."
"I couldn't board that plane because the tickets were sold out. Thank God"
"Oh my god Ziva!"
"I will be leaving in 2 hours for another plane. I will be there early tomorrow. I promise."
"I love you"
"I love you too"
--the next day--
I woke up early and went to the airport.
I waited and saw her. I saw Ziva. We both ran to each other and I kissed her. She kissed me back. I didn't want to get too intimate in public.
"Move missed you so much!"
"Oh Tony!"
I drove her back to my apartment. Along the way I noticed that she had a slight bump. She was only 4 months along. At the apartment, we caught up with each other, told each other everything. I even told her about the little things. Everything. She did the same.
"Well Tony, only 1 more month until my next appointment and see if it's a girl or boy!"
"Oh Ziva that's awesome!" I pulled her into another long kiss. I tousled her hair and her arms were slung over my shoulders.
Ziva's POV
Once we were done, I went for some water. When I came back into the room I saw Tony standing there smiling.
"What?" I laughed. I turned around to set my water down. And when I turned back around to see Tony on one knee.
"Oh my god" i whispered.
"Ziva David, from the moment I met you I was attracted to you. Your personality, your looks, everything. And since then, my love for you has grown. Grown so much, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Ziva David, will you marry me?" He said with tears in his eyes and smiled very big. I was stunned and begun to cry tears of joy.
"Yes Tony I will!" And he slid the ring onto my finger.
"Its beautiful Tony"
"Not as beautiful as you!"
We shared a kiss. A very special kiss.

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