Tiva: Ch.13 Life On The Line

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Tony's POV
A few days have past and there's only 4 days left of Ziva's life unless she gets a donor. I wasn't allowed to visit her for 3 days but now I can. I entered her room. She looked drained.
"Hey Ziva"
"Hey Tony, I've been thinking...my father has the same blood type as me and I'm sure he would be willing to give me some blood. All I need you to do is track him down."
"He doesn't trust me Ziva, after all, he did try to kill me"
"Fine. I'll call him and explain everything...but even if I don't make it...."
"Ziva! Don't think that way! I promise you, everything will be okay"
"You go now"
"Ok then" and I smiled my best smile and walked away.
--the next day--
Brrrring! Brrrring! I answered my phone. It was Ziva. "My father has agreed to give me some blood to live!"
"That's great!"
"Yes. It is. This gives you a chance to capture him for trying to murder you and see if he has anything to do with that bomb in the café."
"Doesn't this bother you?"
"No, I lost trust for my father years ago"
"Ah, So when is he coming?"
"Today at noon"
I looked at the clock. It was 10:30.
"Ok sweet cheeks see Ya soon!"
I called Gibbs and told him that Ziva's father would be at the DC Hospital at noon. I went back to the bullpen and continued the work day until 12 noon came. We hid outside until Ziva's father came outside to get in his car. Then I arrested him.
"Mr David, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo" and read him his rights. Hr didn't resist arrest. When we got into the interrogation room, Gibbs questioned him as I watched. gibbs came out and all he said was:
"He did it"

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