Tiva: Ch.35 Ian

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Ziva's POV
This baby is coming. Now. The guy untied me and Tony and let us alone. Tony texted McGee to track his phone and get us. But he was trying to help me.
"I'm not a doctor but I know some stuff" and gave me a playful smile. Minutes later, the baby was here. Into the world. I wiped the baby's face off.
"Yes, sweet cheeks?"
"It's a boy! Meet our son, Ian Mitchell DiNozzo" we smiled the best smiles ever and we shared a long lingering kiss.
"Can I hold him?"
"Of course" he carefully took him and smiled up to his ears.
"Oh I love you so much Ziva"
"Not as much as I love you"
We kissed for awhile and then we both kissed our child. Ian has dark brown hair like mine, and the most beautiful green eyes. We were sharing a family moment when that guy barged in again
"Alright, family time is over"
"Excuse me, but I just gave birth!"
"So? Your going to die anyways."
"Goodluck with that" Tony said
"Your kid too"
"You know her name?"
"No, and truth is I don't care."
It's a boy, and What's he doing?!
"I named her Chloe. Chloe Lily. After your kids. I didn't know there was going to be an explosion. And truthfully, I'm very sorry Craig."
"Big deal Tony. You took my everything away and now I'm going to take your everything, too"
he shot my leg.
"Ow...uh...it's fine Tony I'm fine" I whispered. The baby was crying even harder now.
"Craig, they both need to get hospitalized. Ziva needs to get stitches and she needs to get checked out. Please"
"No!" The man apparently named Craig yelled. "And you know what? These two didn't do shit to hurt me! Only you, Tony, you did! And you should be the one to die! Not them!" He then shot Tony in the stomach/chest twice.
"Tony!" I tried to compress the wound but everything was already bloody from me giving birth, I couldn't stop it! I pulled my shirt off along with Tony's and used that.
"Eew gross, your getting blood all over my floor!" And Craig shot himself though the mouth area and obviously died instantly. I grabbed Tony's phone and called McGee.i told him to come to the address and come and call an ambulance immediately!
"Oh Tony, tony I love you.... " Tears streaming down my face. Blood was starting to come up from his mouth and a bit of his nose.
"Zi..va....I..lo..ve...y-yo..u" he managed to get out
"Focus on breathing!" And McGee and Gibbs burst through the door with medical personnel. They took us 3 in an ambulance. Gibbs looked very confused. McGee knew everything all along because Tony tells him everything. Gibbs couldn't stop asking damn questions.
At the hospital, I was in my bed with Ian,
"but how did you- why did- how did-"
"Just shut the hell up Gibbs!!" I was so sad, but happy to see Ian. The nurse walked in,

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