Tiva: Ch.4 I Love You?

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Ziva's POV

I felt for a pulse....it was weaker than ever but he was still there! I tore his shirt off and compressed the shot with one hand and with the other dialed 911. McGee came down the stairs and saw what was going on "still there?" "Yes but barely" after a minute they arrived and I went on the ambulance with him while McGee drove to talk to Gibbs, even though visiting hours were over. On the ride I was alone in the back with him. I kissed him and a tear rolled down my cheek. Only then did I realize that I loved him. I loved Tony DiNozzo....I whispered in his ear, "Ani Ohevet Otcha" and with that the ambulance stopped and the doors opened. Before they took him I checked for a pulse again just to make sure and it was there.

Gibbs POV

"I've been thinking about DiNozzo. Wondering if he's ok and all"
"Yeah he's ok Gibbs, Ziva found him he was shot"
"Who's the suspect?"
"Her dad"
"Ziva told me you sucked being in charge"
"Yeah I probably do"

Ziva's POV

By now it was 1:00 and I was sure McGee would let me have off. They had hooked Tony up to the machines and left the room. It was just me and Tony and I asked if I can stay with him for the night. I slept in the chair near his bed.

Tony's POV

I might be unconscious but I heard what she said to me. Ani Ohevet Ocha. ( I love you ) did she really mean it? Of corse she meant it. But she's Ziva, she has no feelings! I didn't know what to think. Suddenly I felt someone near me,

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