Tiva: Ch.20 Busted

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Tony's POV
"Morning sweet cheeks!"
"Your beautiful you know that?"
"Haha yes Tony, you've said that 5 times this night!"
"Shit! What time is it?!"
"Ohhh....about 6:30"
ziva turned and looked at me and I kissed her. Then we got up and did our daily routine and I left first and her a few minutes after, just so we don't raise suspicion. As soon as I arrived in the office, McGee gave me the death stare.
"What's up McDeathStare?"
"Nothing" but continued to stare at me. I went to my desk to do my daily paperwork and Ziva walked in. McGee now gave her the stare.
"Nothing" but he continued
"Oh something is up, McGee"
"Yeah. Anything happen, Ziva, Tony,,last NIGHT perhaps?!"
Tony and Ziva looked at each other with a worried look but Tony said
Gibbs stormed in
"DiNozzo! In my office. NOW!!"
Ziva looked worried and inside, I was too.
--in Gibbs office--
"What the hell did you and Ziva do last night?!"
"What do you mean boss? Heh" I tried laughing it off but it didn't work
"I told you don't break her heart! Not her damn virginity, DiNozzo!"
"Sir, if you allowed us to be a couple then what do you think was going to happen?!"
"Tony, I'm sorry I flipped out like that, but if you got her pregnant..."
"Woah woah woah boss! I don't think-"
"No Tony! You have to know if she is or not!"
"And so what if she is?"
"Then Ziva wouldn't be able to work for 9 months, you would totally be breaking rule 12, and I would have to fire one of you, maybe both..."
"Ok ok I get it, but how on earth did you find out?!"
"Because we know"
"Ziva didn't tell you did she?!"
"Put of my office, NOW!" I ran off and went to talk to Ziva.
"Ziva! You didn't tell him, did you?"
"What?! No! Of corse not!"
"Then how on earth did he find out...?"
"I don't know!"
"Maybe that crazy ex of yours?"
Gibbs stormed in once again
"Ziva in my office NOW"
While she was gone I had to review a video of the street cameras on the flat screen to find a missing person for a case, so as I went on the computer that controls the big tv, I happened to see the history, I decided to look at it and watch some of it, I was bored and had to get my mind off things anyways. So I clicked on the most recent video titled TROOM LIVE STREAM. I was shocked to see that it was a live stream of my room,, I clicked the arrows, leading to each of my rooms. Ziva walked in
"Ziva! There's a live stream of my apartment and the rooms! There's one of yours too!" Ziva came and watched as I clicked on a file that said OLD STREAM Ziva and I were in pain to see that there was a video of last night and us in bed. My anger grew and didn't know what to think. He knew Gibbs was there and McGee texted Ziva that he was still at work at 12:30, so they knew Gibbs and probably McGee had seen the tape...live stream,
"Well that explains why Tim was acting so weird to us"
"Yes it does. I don't know if I can trust them anymore!"
"Me too Ziva, me too. But we need to discuss something, Gibbs told me that if you were..um...pregnant....that he would fire me, you or both of us and that if you weren't fired, then you wouldn't be able to work for those 9 months"
"But if I was, would you want the baby?"
"Well of course I would!"
Little did we know that Abby heard all that was said and saw the video

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