Tiva: Ch.11 You Have Been The One For Me

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Gibbs POV
"can't you drive any faster?!" Vance shouted. "For all we know they can be dead now!"
"We're a block away"

Ziva's POV
She shot it. at me.
I screamed. She shot me in my hand and then the other one. Once Jasen finished cutting Tony 12 times, he shot him in his hands also. We heard 2 doors slam outside and knew we were safe. Jasen put a gun to his own head and red head put a gun to my stomach. Gibbs and Vance ran in and yelled "NCIS! Drop your weapons!" Jasen automatically shot himself in the head and red head said "call me Becca" and shot me in my stomach. Gibbs shot her in the leg and she didn't die. Vance called an ambulance and took red head in the police car. Gibbs untied us and waited outside for the ambulance.

Tony's POV
"Ziva!!" Now she really did get shot. I held her in my hands and fell to the floor. Blood was coming out of her mouth and I decided to try and compress the wound. But the blood kept pouring out of her mouth and I began to cry. I hardly ever cry but this time...this time it was different.
"Goodbye my friend...goodbye my lover...you've been the one for me.." I hugged her so tight while I said that. I let the ambulance assistants take her and I rode with her on the way there. I didn't know if she was dead or alive. But I did know one thing.

That I loved Ziva David

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